






高格奔逸卓荦超伦书画家赵俊生赋 并序









Zhao Junsheng, a painter and calligrapher of Gaoge Benyi Zhuoyu Chaolun, wrote a preface to Fu

Gloomy grassland, green mangcang; The sound screams and the horseshoe vibrates. The more you rush, the closer you get, the more you retreat. Away, admire and dismay. To gallop in order to make fun, better to be happy and happy. Vigorous hoofs add wings and vibrate manes. To be sexually dominant, you prefer to be exuberant. Surprised and wild, moving like lightning; Enjoying the sounds of nature, being as quiet as a lover. The arrogance of chasing the wind and the arrogance of chasing the tiger wing. For example, if the black raccoon treads through the snow, if the red rabbit is out of phase, the more than Lu's leap will surpass the shadow's illness. As you are, you are full of reverie. The viewer sometimes cares about it and sometimes worships it; Sometimes you wander, sometimes you wander. The use of his pen and ink, the elegance of his technique, the surging of his mind and the open of his charm. The affection of paintings is the impression of Jiazuo. Is in order.

Every master of sages, books read through thousands of volumes also! And Danqing Qiaoyan pays special attention to its extension; Culture and education are high, and its connotation is more and more refined. Send love to the country, learn high as a teacher; Being in the position of preface is a model. Teach people to be artistic, and they are beautiful; Turn people into virtue, and shine with good words. Collect the wind in the hills and rivers; And sketching in Pingchou, the sun goes through the sky. Drain water and think of ink, wash stone and turn it into Yan; Freehand brushwork reaches god, splash ink and rhyme in volume. Play the right way of Gan Kun, and play it; Keep yin and yang, and play chords. The flowers and plants are beautiful, and the trees are top-notch. Look into the sea, enter the pavilion and board the altar; Count the farthings in the end of the world, go out and take a ride. Si Gong is also famous in art circles for his rich merits and virtues.

Flowers and birds are simple and concise. Like but not like the law, the form and meaning of the article; It's not like the spirit likeness, but the calligraphy runs through. Freehand brushwork, apply thousands of great wishes; To express thousands of kinds of obsession. Yu Xing Ying Qiao, build momentum to be good; Jiong mu Dian Cai, create modality and wonderful view. His works are also dense but not blocked, sparse but not scattered, clumsy and orderly, and simple but not complicated. Thick but never sluggish, weak and living now. Turbidity eludes the trace, clearing away the face. It is also, sketched with ease, and the image is complete; Dedication is brilliant, and the structure is strict. Therefore, the idea is colorful, and the spirit runs and the rhyme spreads. Quiet, profound and elegant, bold and exciting. Roughness and implication Qi Fei, ancient style and wild interest splash together. Even people who love love, frequently linger; People who are eager to learn are eager to explore.

As the landscape is also, the realm is lofty. From the beginning of the interest, the scenery is connected; Plan the metaphor, and entangle things; Elaborate the interpretation of shaping, and stimulate the ink to surge. The composition is exquisite and the layout is standard; The weather is transparent, with clouds and haze. Fang Qi walks on the mountain, climbs the rock, involves the river, and travels to Jianghan; Caress Gu Song, embrace fir, hold old plum, and admire new beauty. Travel around the world, shop around five mountains. Take advantage of the opportunity to sketch and praise. Therefore, it makes the structure the most suitable, makes the view from far and near, makes the color comfortable, and makes the aesthetic feeling win. Light ink hooks its rocks, and trees are attached; The patches lined the situation, and the ink was light. Dot painting is light and heavy, and it is rendered according to the situation; Virtual and real atmosphere, adjust space. Or green, sometimes with a round fan; Or ink painting, when playing with fine. Beautiful beauty, fairyland and ignorance; The joy of joy is wonderful and dazzling.

As well as painting, it is refined and extraordinary. Seeking in the singular danger, the good structure is interesting and embedded; The lines are applied in a hurry, while the Mo Yun is slow and transparent. Use the palm of your hand, the whirl of squally showers; Dance in unison and catch the moon with clouds. With dipping and painting, the branches are oblique and the flowers are numerous; Wipe while painting, people gather their aura; Both brush and brush, and the scenery is colorful. A show of leisure and happiness, a vibrant man; Harmonious and harmonious atmosphere, both vigorous and skillful. Daya does not lose silence, Xiaoya does not lose noise; Peace does not break the mound, loneliness does not break the gully. Style has its own degree, and charm has its own end. Teaching is relaxed and happy, causing nostalgia and forgetting to return. The mind is shaken by it, and the soul is shaken by it. Its personality refers to ink, and it is the only one; The crown is crowned with its unique fragrance. Si Gong is also full of study and education, and Gao Ge De Xian.

So distant friends, you send a letter quickly, praying to learn from the teacher, and paying attention to repair and shine. I am deeply aware of being a public person, knowing humility and reticence. Erqi art is both a teacher and a highly respected model; Learning to be high is the best, while quality is the best. Reading his paintings and calligraphy, it is like a blue sky; Appreciate its exhibition hall, and suddenly feel like deep sea diving. Better throw five buckets of food than three inches of Dan. There is a multiple cropping day for grain, but there is no re-research year for Dan. The sun can be reincarnated, but the school year is difficult to return. As time goes by, literature and art often change. Time is fleeting, and it makes you sigh. If you are awake, you will learn well. Han Hai gave birth to Jin Yu, while Hu Lian was industrious. Then he immediately replied, "You can't talk until you get justice." He said, "When you come forward by worshipping the public, you should be innocent. Good! Good! Good! " Er Nai Yu conjectured repeatedly, and wondered!

Shandong Buyi Jin Xuemeng was written in Xin Chou Xia Yue








Organizational structure

特邀顾问:龚克昌,孙继刚,周晓明,谭 杰,王宇斌

社 长:张友茂

总 编:金学孟


秘 书 长:韩邦亭

副秘书长:路 平

辞赋主编:钟 阳




编 委 会:耿振军,侯铭,马铭清,任美琳,何智勇,李靖



☆法律顾问:秀立律师事务所 乔宝川律师


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