Dr. Nirav Patel医生,chief medical officer at the University Medical Center New Orleans(新奥尔良大学医学中心的首席医务官)这样说道,'It’s really important to go to the gym and be healthy and peopleshould not (have to) worry about getting sick… keeping them from the gym. Gymequipment is 362 times more filthy with bacteria than a toilet seat.’(去健身当然是重要的,但是安全健康不得病也同样重要。健身房设备上的细菌比您家里马桶盖上的多362倍。)
健身房里最常见的细菌是什么呢?Dr.Patel医生告诉我们,是Staphylococcus infections and MRSA(葡萄球菌感染及耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌),'If you want to protect yourself, wipe down the equipment usingantibacterial wipes or sprays that gyms provide or use your own towel as abarrier between yourself and the [equipment]. Ensure any wounds are covered before you start exercising. That will help to reduce the chances for skin infection. Do your best not to touch your face after you have touched asurface. This can reduce the chances for introduction of a potential pathogen. Whenyou’re finished, take a shower with soap shortly after you have exercised toremove any germs that may have come onto your skin when you were working out. Also, make sure your clothes are washed and dried regularly. (如果您想要保护自己的话,就用消毒湿纸巾或者喷剂清洁一下健身房设备再使用。确保自己身上所有的伤口破损都包扎过,然后再看时锻炼。这样可以有效的避免皮肤感染。尽一切可能在健身的过程中不要碰触自己的面部,这样可以减少感染病菌的机会。当您结束锻炼之后,一定要用淋浴并用肥皂清洁全身,并且要换上一身干净的衣服!)’