无心剑英译忧谷《我眼中的爱 The Love in My Eyes》


If you love someone, you have him walk into your world, even into your heart. What on earth does it mean? Is it true that he will become the  of your life and dominate all of your emotions? What about yourself? Where do you want to put it? Is there any space for it in your heart? When someone gets involved in your life, sharing your joys and sorrows as well as partaking your pain and responsibility, what will you lose? One cannot make an omelet without breaking eggs, is it not true? What must I pay for a precious true feeling? Just one heart? ...Too many questions and too many uncertainties.


You know I am so stubborn that I will not change myself for anybody, even for my most cherished love. I do not long for his discipline or constraint but his identification, appreciation, consideration and favor. Although there is kindness in his discipline or constraint, but it will be a shackle for me and I want to escape from it. Really, I will escape! Perhaps I am too selfish and egoistic, so I do not want to change or lose myself. If you love someone, is it true that you must change for him or change him? If it is true, which one do you love, the one before the change or the one after the change? No matter which one you choose, your love is just as inexplicable. Why do you love him? You love him because of his distinguished characters in your eyes, don't you? Then why do you want to change him? Maybe he has some faults, what does it matter? No one is perfect. Why must you make him perfect if you love him? If you love him, you should not ask too much of him or restrain him from doing what he likes, on the contrary, you should walk into his world, go crazy with him, seek dream with him, share sorrows with him, and experience every feeling and taste of life with him!


If you only love his goodness or beauty, your love is neither precious nor able to stand any test. True and everlasting love can be tasted when you know how to understand him, tolerate his faults and show consideration for his moods. Many people will agree with me on these points, but actually how many of them can put it into practice? Many degenerate love into forcible occupation, destruction, pain/suffering, and shackle. If you love someone, why must you confine him by your side, control his emotions, and even make him center on you? Is this love? Such love will drown him in suffocation, pain and despair.


If I love someone, I will not change him, because he is just as he is the one whom I love. If I love someone, I will not change myself. My world is still independent, with a partner and a care, but not a vassal or even a master. If I love someone, I will let him fly high and await him to come back (There is a proverb like this, "If you love someone, set him free. If he comes back, he is yours. If he does not, he never was."). If I love someone, I will accompany him to fulfill his dreams and face any tests or challenges in the life. If I love him, I will first love myself and make myself self-confident and beautiful.


If I love him, I will devote to him with my youth, even with my life, but not with my dignity or my soul. It is enough for two loving people to have mutual affinity, why must they stay together every day? If you love someone, you should give him freedom and do not turn love into his impediment or burden but his spiritual enjoyment. If you love someone, you should prepare a pair of strong wings and a warm nest for him; let him fly freely to where he dreams of. That is what he loves. Shouldn't that be yours? If you love someone, you should give him more tolerance for his temper, his self-will, his improper words, and his frailty. If you love someone, you should reserve a corner special for him where he keeps his secretes, his difficulties, and things he is reluctant to remember or confide. Everyone needs such a place, right? In fact, love is not contradictory to freedom. Love will not deprive one of his personalities to bury his world; on the contrary, love will help him to fulfill his wishes, right?


Two people just overlap but not totally coincide, each of whom has his/her own friends and concerns. Must two loving people have no secretes? Without rights, only the distance remains. Without the distance, only secrets remain. Without secretes, what will happen? Beauty will be totally ruined. Be his spiritual friend, listen to him without questioning, forgive him without complaining, and share him without possessing him. Two people rotate towards the same direction at the same speed in their overlapped world. They ignite the sparkle of life, dance the melody of life, and create an eternal world hand in hand. Is it not good? Why must you be the only engine? Why will you not share your energy with the other half?



