
八下英语重要单词分类用法归纳 一、动词的用法归纳
1.will助动词+动词原形 用来构成一般将来时.否定形式:won’t+v.2.fly vi.飞行 vt.fly a kite
3.fall vi.down; in; in love with;fall behind link v.“变为”同become
4.be able to+v.表“具体能力”有各种时态变化;can“一般能力”可以有过去时.
5.dress vi.sb.oneself只能用“人”来作宾语.up“打扮”注意区别:put on;have on;wear;be in
6.send vt.sb st= th to sb;~for“派人去请” 7.follow vt.sb to do sth.
8.shout vi.at/to sb.Vt.“大声喊„;叫„” 9.allow vt.sb to do sth.
10.criticize vt.sb; sb be criticized
11.receive/get(被动,客观上)的接受; accept(主动,主观上)接受 12.choose vt.to do sth.
13.cost vt.不能用于进行时,只能用物作主语.与spend;take;pay的区别与转换.14.encourage vt.sb to do sth.
15.suggest vt.+从句;~doing sth.16.fear vt.to do sth.同be afraid/worried
17.seem link v.+adj.to do sth.③It s that从句.这两个结构可以相互转换.18.argue vi.with sb; with sb about sth.
19.surprise vt.sb.相关短语:be surprised that从句/to do sth/of sth; in surprise; to one’s surprise.
20.complain that从句②~about/of sth/doing sth.to sb.about/of sth向„投诉 21.compare vt.…with…把…同比较; …to…把…比作…
22.happen vi.(偶然性)take place(有预谋).to sb某人发生了某事;~to do sth.碰巧 23.return vi.come back; vt.give back注意:return不可和back这个词连用.24.collect vt.collection n.collector n.二、名词的用法归纳
1.paper U a piece of money C 报纸a 2.tree C in the (外来物);on the (本身物) 3.spaceU 同room in the ;spaceship 4.scientistC science
5.styleU 同fashion 短语:in ;out of 6.ticket a to the game/match (key等) 7.freedom U 其adj.j free.
8.experience C 短语:have an of sth有.经历 9.accidentC by 偶然
10.silenceU in = silently adv.
11.meaningC U the of…的意思;
have meaning to…对…有意义.
12.earth C on the ;on earth究竟
13.messageC take a for sb.为…捎口信;give sb a 给…口信;leave a 留口信;leave sb a =leave a to sb.给某人留口信
14.decision C make a to do =decide to do 15.influence U have an on对…有影响 Vt.sb to sth.
16.dangerU in 在危险之中;out of 脱离危险.adj.dangerous
17.chanceC have a to do sth有机会做某事;give sb a 给某人一个机会;by 偶然 18.pairC a pair of+ns作主语时用作单数.19.capitalC the of+国家名/省名
20.thousandC s of+复数n.表示笼统数字;用基数词+thousand表示具体数字.21.solutionC a to the problem
22.lineC wait in ;cut in ;stand in
23.voice专门指人,也可指鸟声、乐器声,侧重悦耳的声音.sound 指人们用耳朵能听到的声音.noise 噪音 24.mouse 复数为mice
25.holiday同vocation on ; take a
26.quarter分数的表示.分子基数词,分母用序数词,分子大于1时,分母用复数 27.population ①作主语用作单数the of+地区②前面有分数、百分数时表示一个整体人口中的一部分,V用复数形式.如:Two fifths of the of that village are farmers.③问“人口多少”用What’s the of 而不用How many people来问.
28.temperature take one’s 常用high,low来修饰、说明temperature.
29.trafficU island交通岛;~jam交通阻塞;~lights交通信号灯;a~accident交通事故 30.season:in spring/summer/autumn/winter

