原文作者 Joe Dyer
发布于 MTGGoldfish
首先感谢 Legacy Data Collection Project Discord Server 对比赛数据的收集和整理上周四在 MO 上举行了一场薪传 PTQ,多达253人参加,下面是套牌分布情况
冠亚军 - 偷袭教诲
冠亚军 - 铁木尔掘密师
四强 - 无地组合技
八强 - 约力昂奇迹雪控
冠军 - 霍家葛
亚军 - 雪境自然秩序
四强 - Stryfo Pile
Stryfo 使用由他名字命名的套牌打进了四强。每次看 Stryfo 的套牌都是一种享受,总能发现奇妙的新东西,比如这次戈罗斯很奇妙的加入了他的套牌。如果你想尝试,这个牌表绝不会令你失望
八强 - 苏勒台阴影
八强 - 纯红锁
八强8套各不相同。决赛平分了奖品,其中操控铁木尔掘密师的 Gul_Dukat 也是周四 PTQ 的冠亚军,牌表也完全没变,所以这里就不再放出来
冠军 - 红黑掀坟
掀坟套牌吸收了 Tin Fins 套牌里放一张寇利斯之子来最大化棘泽边,并且还放了苦痛卷须作为另一种制胜手段,这样组法应该已经成了标配
四强 - TES风暴
八强 - 妖精
4-2 格力极凤凰
尽管从过去两个月的数据上来看,铁木尔掘密师的胜率也就只有52-53%,但瓯柯很大程度上使环境变得枯燥单调。1月14日威世智更新了禁牌表,但只有纯铁赛制的一张牌被禁,而没有对薪传赛制动刀,可能是因为不想影响上周的这场 PTQ,作者预测可能会在新系列凯德海姆上市后再禁瓯柯
The hot button topic of Bannings in Legacy arose again this past week and weekend, prompted mainly by the events that we're going to be talking about this week further on down. This is certainly a hot topic because of the fact that there are a lot of different things that people seem to want to happen in the format, and a fair amount of them aren't exactly the same thing. Different cards get to different people, and everyone seems to have a different idea of what to do to fix the format.While we thought that maybe because of the events in the past weekend that Wizards may take some action this past Monday, those actions didn't occur at all, and there is minor speculation that there could be a change next week as well. The very random nature of this is definitely pushed by the fact that Wizards chose to ban Fall from Favor in the Pauper format seemingly because they wanted people to participate in that format's Super Qualifier. For sure, this whole "ad hoc" ban announcement thing keeps everyone on their toes and really does make me wish we had scheduled BnR's back. I do not feel that the way things are done now instills much confidence in managing a format, because it's clear that things can just be banned at the drop of a hat, and when these kinds of bans don't happen to a format, then people start to get upset. However, despite all of this, there's certainly one common factor that a lot of players seem to overtly agree on when it comes to this topic of banning cards in Legacy.The effect that Oko has had on Legacy is now really being felt by the rest of the metagame I feel. The deeper we go into this current metagame the more we find that Oko is truly a format warping card. The very presence of the card has shifted the format ever so slightly, and in what many players believe is not a good way. Oko invalidates creatures and artifacts, making it so that players have to build with Oko in mind always, selecting cards that don't fall to the lord of the Elk. The biggest thing that I feel this invalidates is the presence of Chalice of the Void in the current format. Many of the Chalice decks that exist are either decks that try to go under Oko by slamming powerful haymakers (Karn, Urza, Hullbreacher) or are trying to play an aggressive game (Mono Red Prison). In general though it does not seem like the presence of Chalice however is doing much for these decks as they've dropped heavily in metagame share over time. While these decks can do well (and some are, with pilots that know the deck very well), the overall nature of Chalice decks is not a good outlook if your effect meant to lock an opponent a bit and then turn the corner before they can unlock their cantrips is negated by being turned into a 3/3 Elk.Now there's a question to be had as to whether it is a good thing to have Chalice return in a powerful way, and I think genuinely that it is fine for Legacy. Legacy is often a format defined by one-two CMC cards, and having a card that punishes that kind of deckbuilding is a good checks and balances on the format, and quite often these decks are non Blue as well, such as Eldrazi. Having a viable strategy like that running counter to the blue decks of the format makes the format more interesting in my opinion.Having Chalice slightly unlocked means that it is easier to combat cards like Dreadhorde Arcanist out of Delver. Oko currently gives Delver a really strong out against Game One Chalice decks and makes sideboarding even easier since they never need to board out Oko to deal with anything. This is powerful enough that it even allows Delver decks to run virtually no other green cards except for Oko and still be powerful. And this doesn't even cover the other types of permanents that Oko negates. Cards like Knight of the Reliquary, Aether Vial, and Equipment are also negated, depowering decks like Maverick, Death and Taxes, etc. While D&T can perform well in this environment (and has done so) the average D&T matchup versus Oko is not very pleasant. Skyclave Apparition helped to a great extent, but the play patterns of playing versus Oko is still not very interesting or fun.Oko's synergy as well with Arcum's Astrolabe is also something that cannot be overstated, as it allows the card access to free creatures with which to protect itself by making Astrolabe into a creature.There's a lot to unpack still because while we are discussing the potential of banning Oko, there is the subject of metagame data to address. As I've been a part of helping organize and gather data from Challenges, much of the current data suggests that neither Snowko or RUG Delver is really breaking the format in half in raw win rate numbers. In fact, over the past two months, the cumulative data on RUG Delver shows that it has a rougly 52-53% win rate and is nowhere near the sort of win rates that Wizards has classically attributed to bannable decks/cards. However, it is important to keep in mind that while the data suggests that these decks and the format itself are fine, this is only one factor I feel to presenting an argument to ban something, and the banning of Oko comes mainly from the warping play patterns the card provides and the play experience being wholly uninteresting and unfun to play against. Now, something not being "fun" is a hard sell, because we can argue that there are a lot of things that are present in Legacy that aren't fun. It's not fun to play against Turn One Griselbrand sometimes, or to play against even Chalice of the Void for some. But Oko twists that on its head a bit and makes games feel very samey and takes away a bit of the so-called counterplay of the format that people greatly have enjoyed it for in the past.
If we do see a banning, it may not be until after Kaldheim is released. While I wholly doubt that anything from Kaldheim is broken in Legacy (as we discussed in my set review), they may be waiting to see if anything does change first. However, any ban that doesn't immediately start with Oko, Thief of Crowns is going to be wrong. Oko should go, and only Oko, I feel. Then we can begin to get a better idea of the other cards that might be problematic and how they interact without Oko to act as a powerful catch-all threat/win condition/answer card.
Until this happens though, it's an Elk-eats-Elk world out there, and there are ways to adjust for this for sure, but I definitely would prefer to see action taken sooner than later.