【新刊速递】International Studies Quarterly, Vol. 65, No. 1, 2021


《国际研究季刊》(International Studies Quarterly)是国际研究协会的旗舰期刊,由牛津大学出版社每年发行四期,旨在发表与国际研究中重要理论性、实证性、规范性主题相关的领先学术成果。根据Journal Citation Reports的数据,2019年该期刊的影响因子为2.146。
【编译】肖龙 刘瑛琛 房宇馨 任潇依 李源
【审校】房宇馨 任潇依 刘瑛琛 李源 肖龙

Leadership Selection in United Nations Peacekeeping
Angling for Influence: Institutional Proliferation in Development Banking
The Recognition Dilemma: Negotiating Identity in the Israeli–Palestinian Conflict
Law Breaking and Law Bending: How International Migrants Negotiate with State Borders
The Increasing Representativeness of International Organizations’ Secretariats: Evidence from the United Nations System, 1997–2015
【题目】Leadership Selection in United Nations Peacekeeping
【作者】Kseniya Oksamytna, 伦敦国王大学战争研究系助理研究员;Vincenzo Bove, 华威大学政治科学系教授;Magnus Lundgren, 斯德哥尔摩大学政治科学系副教授。
States covet leadership and staff positions in international organizations. The posts of civilian leaders and force commanders of United Nations (UN) peacekeeping operations are attractive to member states. In selecting peacekeeping leaders, the UN Secretariat balances three considerations: satisfying powerful member states by appointing their nationals; recognizing member states’ contribution to the work of the organization; and ensuring that leaders have the necessary skill set. We investigate appointments of more than 200 civilian and military leaders in 24 UN missions, 1990–2017. We find that contributing troops to a specific mission increases the chances of securing a peacekeeping leadership position. Geographic proximity between the leaders’ country and the conflict country is also a favorable factor whose importance has increased over time. Civilian leaders of UN peacekeeping operations tend to hail from institutionally powerful countries, while military commanders come from major, long-standing troop contributing countries. Despite some role that skills play in the appointment process, the UN's dependence on troop contributors, together with its reliance on institutionally powerful states, can be a source of dysfunction if it prevents the organization from selecting effective peacekeeping leaders. This dynamic affects other international organizations that have significant power disparities among members or rely on voluntary contributions.
【题目】Angling for Influence: Institutional Proliferation in Development Banking
【作者】Tyler Pratt,耶鲁大学政治科学系助理教授。
Why do states build new international organizations (IOs) in issue areas where many institutions already exist? Prevailing theories of institutional creation emphasize their ability to resolve market failures, but adding new IOs can increase uncertainty and rule inconsistency. I argue that institutional proliferation occurs when existing IOs fail to adapt to shifts in state power. Member states expect decision-making rules to reflect their underlying power; when it does not, they demand greater influence in the organization. Subsequent bargaining over the redistribution of IO influence often fails due to credibility and information problems. As a result, under-represented states construct new organizations that provide them with greater institutional control. To test this argument, I examine the proliferation of multilateral development banks since 1944. I leverage a novel identification strategy rooted in the allocation of World Bank votes at Bretton Woods to show that the probability of institutional proliferation is higher when power is misaligned in existing institutions. My results suggest that conflict over shifts in global power contribute to the fragmentation of global governance.
【题目】The Recognition Dilemma: Negotiating Identity in the Israeli–Palestinian Conflict
【作者】Joshua Freedman,欧柏林学院政治科学客座助理教授。
During five years of US-sponsored Israeli–Palestinian peace talks (2009–2014), Israeli PM Netanyahu repeatedly demanded that Palestinians recognize Israel as a Jewish state as part of any final status agreement. Simultaneously, a chorus of Israeli political and military elites consistently challenged this negotiating posture as a threat to the state's very identity. What explains these competing positions on recognition's absence and necessity? Considerable attention in IR has recently focused on the lengths states go to correct acts of misrecognition, out of a genuine need for recognition, and the self-certainty recognition provides in a socially uncertain world. This structural and intrinsic model neglects, however, the powerful role agents can play in constructing, or avoiding, recognition conflict. Political considerations can cause recognition, and its absence, to matter more than it otherwise should, just as they can cause others to view recognition campaigns as vulnerable and ontologically harmful pursuits. This article proposes both an instrumental model of recognition and a theory on the recognition dilemma needed to explain these competing attitudes. In doing so, it shifts attention away from social structure, and relations, in order to take domestic processes seriously as a forum for both the construction and contestation of recognition politics.
【题目】Law Breaking and Law Bending: How International Migrants Negotiate with State Borders
【作者】Cassilde Schwartz, 伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院讲师;Miranda Simon, 埃塞克斯大学讲师;David Hudson, 伯明翰大学教授;Shane D Johnson, 伦敦大学学院教授。
Many countries have become increasingly aggressive in their efforts to stop unauthorized migration, but most evidence suggests that immigration enforcement policies do not effectively deter migrants. We draw on literature from social psychology, specifically the dual-system model of decision-making, which differentiates between judgments that are subject to considerations of risks and costs and judgments that are “non-consequentialist.” Non-consequentialist decision-making is founded in moral intuition and rejects rational considerations of costs and benefits. This mental process would render the deterrence tools of the state powerless. We posit that some, but not all, forms of unauthorized migration will invoke non-consequentialist decision-making. When considering semi-legal strategies, which individuals may perceive as “bending the law” rather than breaking it, aspiring migrants are likely to weigh the risks and costs of enforcement policies. Meanwhile, when considering fully illegal migration strategies, aspiring migrants will prioritize moral considerations for breaking the law rather than the consequences of breaking the law. We find evidence for our theory using original population-based list experiments along with focus groups of aspiring migrants in an origin country.
【题目】The Increasing Representativeness of International Organizations’ Secretariats: Evidence from the United Nations System, 1997–2015
【作者】Michal Parizek,布拉格查理大学助理教授;Matthew D Stephen,柏林社会科学研究中心高级研究员。
Although international organizations (IOs) and their secretariats play important roles in international politics, we know surprisingly little about their staffing composition and the factors that shape it. What accounts for the national composition of the secretariats of IOs? We theorize that the national composition of international secretariats is shaped by three factors: the desire by powerful states for institutional control, a commonly shared interest in a secretariat's functional effectiveness, and, increasingly, a need for secretariats to be seen as legitimate by being representative of the global population. Building on recent constructivist literature, we argue that IOs face increasing normative pressure to be representative in their staffing patterns. Using panel regression, we assess our argument with a new dataset covering states’ representation in the secretariats of thirty-five United Nations system bodies from 1997 to 2015. The results indicate that while functional effectiveness plays a significant and stable role, international secretariats have become increasingly representative of the global population. Moreover, this has come primarily at the expense of the over-representation of powerful states. This shift from power to representation is particularly strong in large IOs with high political and societal visibility. When it comes to IO secretariats, representativeness (increasingly) matters.