LAC的书屋 | Great City Parks 大都市公园巡礼——30个伟大城市的伟大公园​

《Great City Parks》适合具备一定的景观基础知识的读者以及对城市公共空间感兴趣的设计师。作为一本设计集,文中的项目以体量为线索排序精选30个欧美成熟城市的绿地项目,从300平米的街角公园,到3000公顷的城市绿带,涵盖街旁绿地、广场、遗址公园、郊野公园等几乎所有的绿地种类。通过对现实经典项目的分析,作者尝试阐述城市公共空间在概念、设计、演变等方面的成功经验。

Great City Parks 大都市公园巡礼


Alan Tate & Marcella Eaton

「 作 者 介 绍 」

Alan Tate拥有城镇和乡村规划学位,曼彻斯特大学景观设计学位,爱丁堡艺术学院建筑学博士学位。拥有超过20年的专业经验,同时作为英国风景园林协会的研究员和前任主席。Alan Tate自1998年开始在曼尼托巴大学任教,2007年被提升为教授,2000年至2005年和2011年担任系主任。

Alan Tate has a degree in Town and Country Planning, an accredited Diploma in Landscape Design from the University of Manchester, and a PhD in Architecture from Edinburgh College of Art. He has over twenty years’ professional experience and is a Fellow and Past President of the United Kingdom Landscape Institute. He has been teaching at the University of Manitoba since 1998 where he was promoted to the position of Professor in 2007 and was Head of Department from 2000 to 2005 and from 2011.

Marcella Eaton拥有曼尼托巴大学环境研究学士学位和爱丁堡艺术学院风景园林博士学位。有多年的专业经验,主要在多伦多,并从1998年开始在曼尼托巴大学任教。自2009年起担任建筑学院的副院长。

Marcella Eaton has a Bachelor of Environmental Studies from the University of Manitoba and a PhD in Landscape Architecture from Edinburgh College of Art. She has many years of professional experience, largely in Toronto, and has been teaching at the University of Manitoba since 1998. She has been Associate Dean Academic in the Faculty of Architecture since 2009.

「 项 目 选 择 」

作为一个项目集,项目筛选的标准体现了作者讨论的核心议题。对此,Alan Tate在文中通过三个问题进行了阐述:什么构成了伟大城市的公园,抑或,伟大的城市公园?为什么选取北美和西欧的案例?为什么通过尺度排序项目?通过这三个问题,我们可以看出作者对城市公园的核心价值定义:



The title Great City Parks is enigmatic. Does Great refer to the parks? Or to the cities? Or both? The book certainly examines important parks in major cities and reflects a belief that well-planned, well-designed, properly funded, and well-managed parks are invaluable components of livable and hospitable cities. But what might constitute a great park? There is no easy answer...... The selected parks deliberately represent a broad cross-section from different ages and places, and are of vastly differing size. This range helps to highlight similarities and differences – one fundamental basis of all human comprehension.



But why do the case studies address these particular city parks? And why are they confined to North America and western Europe? Taking the second question first, the more economically developed countries are going through a post-industrial transition that is having similar impacts on their cities and parks. Inner cities in developed countries are experiencing population growth; distinctions between time allocated to otium (leisure) and to negotium are de creasing, and demands on parks to provide escape, exercise and entertainment are growing...... they had to be specifically designed – or substantially redesigned – for public use, and they had to allow free admission.



Why are the parks presented in size order? ......But size is measurable, current, and specific, whereas date, for instance, is dependent on variable criteria – date of designation or date of design or date of opening or date of redesign? And although the history of each park is examined, this is not a historical study. It is suggested that the character and function of a park is heavily influenced by its size – and that size, in turn, is heavily influenced by age and by location. This means that the parks are presented in an approximate chronology from more recent to older – with a few anachronisms.

「 核 心 话 题 」


  • 什么样的现状促成了一个城市公园的出现并使其合适于这个城市;

  • 什么样的公园对公众的身心健康有利;

  • 什么样的公园对文化认同和社会包容有积极作用。


History / publications

· Can you recommend publication(s) which detail the history of the development of the park?

· Which person and/or organization was responsible for the decision to build the park?

· What was the condition of the site when the park was designated?

· What was the original land area of the park and what is it now?

Plans of the park

· Can you provide a scale plan (in whatever format) of the park including landform, vegetated areas, entrances, roadways, pathways and principal facilities?

· Do you have current or recent plans indicating the areas of the park under different types of land cover (vegetation types / water bodies / recreation areas / hard surfaces etc.)?

Management and usage

· What organization manages the park; what is its legal / political status; how does the public represent their views to it and are there any factors which may change this?

· What are the current sources of funding for the park?

· What is the current annual budget for recurrent maintenance of the park?

· How has this changed (in real terms) over the last twenty years?

· How many full-time staff are engaged in the maintenance of the park?

· Do you have recent user surveys indicating numbers of visitors to the park and the purposes of their visits?

· Do you have a record of crimes committed in the park over the last ten years?

Plans for the future of the park

· Is there a current physical master plan guiding works in the park – including the redesign of certain areas or the provision of new facilities – and if so, is it possible to obtain a copy?

· Is there a current plan guiding the management of the park – and if so, is it possible to obtain a copy?

「 项 目 节 选 」
Paley Park,New York

Paley Park作为本书体量最小的项目仅有300平米,但曼哈顿市区独特的环境氛围使其成为了城市核心区街旁绿地的典型代表。设计师通过使用微气候和跌水噪音覆盖外界嘈杂环境,通过使用灵活的户外座椅弱化私有性场景倡导共享的社会活动。在文章的末尾,Paley Park因其对曼哈顿条件的具体回应和环境营造的手法及对多样性的包容被作者评价为“和中央公园的影响一样强大”。

St James’s Park,London


Emerald Necklace,Boston

Emerald Necklace是一处由16处公园沿线性形成的绿地体系。在奥姆斯特德的设计中,这16处绿地将成为一处前所未有的,连贯的综合性绿地,在为波士顿城郊提供公共空间的同时发挥水敏性功能解决洪水问题。然而,随时间变化,当城市扩张至郊区,原本线性的连接因交通枢纽和经济活动变得更加脆弱,公园体系活动的连贯性和生态的延续性被斩断;同时,由于资金匮乏,缺乏维护也导致外来物种入侵的现象逐渐严重。Emerald Necklace展示了大型绿地系统在经历城市扩张和资金变化时面对的普遍窘境以及在灵活的资金募集政策和生物工程手段的改造下对抗环境干扰的“韧性”。

Great City Parks通过对现实经典项目的分析向读者揭示了欧美成熟都市区内公园绿地的成功经验以及随时代发展(政治、资金变化)和环境变化(城市扩张、工业废弃)这些城市绿地所面临的挑战。最后,通过分析这些公园的维护和更新计划,作者强调了一个成熟的城市公园必然具有时间上的“长寿性“。而这种”长寿性“是依赖积极迎接变化的多样性和不断向公众开放的包容性所实现的。换言之,一个成熟的城市公园必然具备主动迎接环境和人文变化的“韧性”和“积极性“。

「 推荐导师 」





曾合作或就职于CAS、Hassell、SENSE Design、土人设计、中国建筑等机构。自2016年至今进行留学作品集教学,所辅导学生收获英国、美国、澳洲、香港院校景观或城市设计硕士录取。

