
instruction 美 [ɪn'strʌkʃən] n. 指令,命令;指示;教导;用法说明
religiously 美 [rɪ'lɪdʒəsli] adv. 虔诚地,笃信地
chuckle 美 ['tʃʌkl] vi. 咯咯的笑,轻声地笑
prank 美 [præŋk] n. 恶作剧,开玩笑;戏谑
plastic 美 ['plæstɪk] adj. 塑料的;(外科)造型的;可塑的
Before my mum passed away, she gave my dad strict instructions to water the plants in the bathroom. He's been religiously watering them & keeping them alive. They look so amazing he decided to take them to his new home, only to discover they are plastic! Can hear my mum chuckling.
Woman Plays Brilliant Prank On Husband Years After Her Death
A woman has shared a brilliant prank her mum played on her dad years after her death.
Antonia Nicol took to Twitter to share the touching story of her mum Phedre making her husband Nigel promise to look after her plants before she died in November 2013.
Antonia Nicol在推特上分享了这个感人的故事,她的妈妈Phendre在2013年11月过世前让他爸爸答应照顾自己的植物。
Dutifully, Nigel kept his word and continued to water the plants for years. In fact, Nigel was so impressed with his green-fingered skills, that when he was moving house, he decided to pack the incredibly healthy looking plants and take them with him. It was only then that he discovered that they were actually plastic.


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