政观快递 | Perspectives on Politics Vol. 17, No. 4, 2019

期刊简介:《政治透视》(Perspective on Politics)是美国政治学会(American Political Science Association)旗下的知名季刊。自2003年创刊并由剑桥大学出版社出版以来,其为政治学共同体内部以及政治学学科与广大读者之间提供了广阔并且具有综合性的讨论平台。根据Journal Citation Reports显示,其2018年的影响因子为3.680,在176种政治科学类期刊中位列第39位(39/176)。


1. 对警察杀人的补偿

2. 选举和竞争的对抗伦理

3. 反对僵尸民主:认知中重复计算的危险

4. 作为一种次要的、理性的乌托邦式和平:基于预示性的和证实性的和平主义

5. 应对气候变化的《巴黎协定》——由美国制造吗?

6. “我不是美国黑人的总统”:修辞与政策代表

7. 内部的利益集团:公共养老基金的管理

8. 谁统治世界?全球领导阶层的肖像

9. 国际关系研究中的国家建设经验

1. 对警察杀人的补偿

题目:Reparations for Police Killing

作者:Jennifer Page, 苏黎世大学伦理中心博士后


After a fatal police shooting in the United States, it is typical for city and police officials to view the family of the deceased through the lens of the law. If the family files a lawsuit, the city and police department consider it their legal right to defend themselves and to treat the plaintiffs as adversaries. However, reparations and the concept of “reparative justice” allow authorities to frame police killings in moral rather than legal terms. When a police officer kills a person who was not liable to this outcome, officials should offer monetary reparations, an apology, and other redress measures to the victim’s family. To make this argument, the article presents a philosophical account of non-liability hailing from self-defense theory, centering the distinction between reasonableness and liability. Reparations provide a non-adversarial alternative to civil litigation after a non-liable person has been killed by a police officer. In cases where the officer nevertheless acted reasonably, “institutional agent-regret” rather than moral responsibility grounds the argument for reparations. Throughout the article, it is argued that there are distinct racial wrongs both when police kill a non-liable black person and when family members of a black victim are treated poorly by officials in the civil litigation process.

2. 选举和竞争的对抗伦理

题目:An Adversarial Ethics for Campaigns and Elections

作者:Samuel Bagg, 牛津大学政治学博士后;Isak Tranvik,杜克大学政治学博士生


Existing approaches to campaign ethics fail to adequately account for the “arms races” incited by competitive incentives in the absence of effective sanctions for destructive behaviors. By recommending scrupulous devotion to unenforceable norms of honesty, these approaches require ethical candidates either to quit or lose. To better understand the complex dilemmas faced by candidates, therefore, we turn first to the tradition of “adversarial ethics,” which aims to enable ethical participants to compete while preventing the most destructive excesses of competition. As we demonstrate, however, elections present even more difficult challenges than other adversarial contexts, because no centralized regulation is available to halt potential arms races. Turning next to recent scholarship on populism and partisanship, we articulate an alternative framework for campaign ethics, which allows candidates greater room to maneuver in their appeals to democratic populations while nevertheless requiring adherence to norms of social and political pluralism.


题目:Against Bot Democracy: The Dangers of Epistemic Double-Counting

作者:Ana Tanasoca,堪培拉大学协商民主与全球治理中心博士后研究员


The article focuses on the question of how each of us should deliberate internally when forming judgements. That is a matter of political consequence, insofar as those judgements stand behind our votes. I argue that some violations of epistemic independence like message repetition can, if the receivers are not aware of the repetition, lead them to double-count information they have already taken into account, thus distorting their judgments. One upshot is that each of us should ignore or heavily discount certain sorts of inputs (e.g., bot messages or retweets) that are likely just to be repetition of what we have already taken into account in our internal deliberations. I propose various deliberative norms that may protect our internal deliberations from epistemic double-counting, and argue that opinion leaders have special epistemic duties of care to shield their audiences from clone claims.



题目:Peace as a Minor, Grounded Utopia: On Prefigurative and Testimonial Pacifism

作者:Mathias Thaler,爱丁堡大学政治理论高级讲师


A common complaint about pacifism holds that it is utopian, in a pejorative sense. The worry can take various forms and directions, but when it is couched in terms of just war theory it usually includes accusations of pacifism’s immorality, inconsistency and impracticality. Contemporary defenders of pacifism have responded to this complaint by delineating a highly sophisticated, empirically informed account of pacifism that foregrounds its real-world effectiveness. This article takes a different route to vindicating pacifism via a more nuanced picture of what is specifically utopian about it. I propose that peace, in at least some of its guises, can be described as a minor, grounded utopia; it is a desire for an alternative future without war and violence, whose pursuit blurs the boundaries between thought and action. Reconstructing both prefiguration and testimony as practical modes of this kind of pacifism, I maintain that minor, grounded utopias are sites rife with conflict and contestation.

5. 应对气候变化的《巴黎协定》


题目:The Paris Agreement on Climate Change—Made in USA?

作者:Manjana Milkoreit,普渡大学政治学系助理教授


The 2015 Paris Agreement established a new logic for international climate governance: the pledge-and-review system. In 2009, the same idea had been proposed in the Copenhagen Accord, but was then forcefully rejected by the negotiation community. Explaining this turnaround, I analyze the role of the United States in the international climate negotiations, using Putnam’s two-level game framework and Snidal’s k-group theory. U.S. domestic politics imposed significant constraints on the terms of the Paris Agreement, contributing to the emergence of the new treaty architecture. Until 2015, U.S. negotiators were either unable or unwilling to bring the demands of political actors at the domestic and international levels in alignment. President Obama achieved this alignment in 2015 by creating international support for a treaty without legally binding obligations that could circumvent a Congressional ratification barrier. The latter required a surprising move: the proactive engagement of China despite the structural context of hegemonic transition.


题目:“I’m Not the President of Black America”: Rhetorical versus Policy Representation

作者:Pavielle E. Haines,丹佛大学美国政治中心博士后研究员;Tali Mendelberg,普林斯顿大学政治系John Work Garrett教授;Bennett Butler,美国参议院立法助理。

摘要:在少数族裔代表研究中,一个关键性问题是描述性代表是否有较好的实质代表性。本文忽略了实质性代表中两种形式的区别:言语的修辞与实际的政策。作者对少数族裔总统的这两个维度进行了系统比较。布拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)是第一位非裔美国总统,但他对非裔美国人的实质代表性还没有被充分评估。作者使用演讲和预算数据发现,相对于其他被比较的总统,奥巴马在种族问题和贫困问题上的修辞代表性较弱而政策代表性较强。尽管我们不能排除非种族的解释,但奥巴马的政策建议与少数族裔代表性一致。他的行为也表明,至少在支持他的选民数量少也是“少数”时,描述性代表会呈现出相对较好的政策代表性以及更糟糕的修辞代表性。作者因此强调了在少数族裔代表理论中被忽视的外在修辞和实际政策之间的张力。

A key question in the study of minority representation is whether descriptive representatives provide superior substantive representation. Neglected in this literature is the distinction between two forms of substantive representation: rhetoric versus policy. We provide a systematic comparison of presidential minority representation along these two dimensions. Barack Obama was the first African American president, yet his substantive representation of African Americans has not been fully evaluated. Using speech and budget data, we find that relative to comparable presidents, Obama offered weaker rhetorical representation, but stronger policy representation, on race and poverty. While we cannot rule out non-racial explanations, Obama’s policy proposals are consistent with minority representation. His actions also suggest that descriptive representatives may provide relatively better policy representation but worse rhetorical representation, at least when the constituency is a numerical minority. We thus highlight an understudied tension between rhetoric and policy in theories of minority representation.


题目:Interest Groups on the Inside: The Governance of Public Pension Funds

作者:Sarah F. Anzia, 加州大学伯克利分校政治学系副教授;Terry M. Moe,斯坦福政治学系教授


New scholarship in American politics argues that interest groups should be brought back to the center of the field. We attempt to further that agenda by exploring an aspect of group influence that has been little studied: the role interest groups play on the inside of government as official participants in bureaucratic decision-making. The challenges for research are formidable, but a fuller understanding of group influence in American politics requires that they be taken on. Here we carry out an exploratory analysis that focuses on the bureaucratic boards that govern public pensions. These are governance structures of enormous financial consequence for state governments, public workers, and taxpayers. They also make decisions that are quantitative (and comparable) in nature, and they usually grant official policymaking authority to a key interest group: public employees and their unions. Our analysis suggests that these “interest groups on the inside” do have influence—in ways that weaken effective government. Going forward, scholars should devote greater attention to how insider roles vary across agencies and groups, how groups exercise influence in these ways, how different governance structures shape their policy effects, and what it all means for our understanding of interest groups in American politics.

8. 谁统治世界?全球领导阶层的肖像

题目:Who Rules the World? A Portrait of the Global Leadership Class

作者:John Gerring, 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校政府系教授;Erzen Oncel, 土耳其安兹耶因大学助理教授;Kevin Morrison,生前为匹兹堡大学公共政策与政治学副教授;Daniel Pemstein,北达科他州立大学政治学系副教授


It goes without saying that “leaders rule.” And it stands to reason that the background characteristics of leaders affect the way they rule. Who are the leaders of the world? We generate a composite portrait of the global political elite with data from the Global Leadership Project (GLP), the first dataset offering biographical information on a wide array of leaders in most countries of the world. We offer comparisons across office, regions, regime types, and level of development. And we enlist the variables in the dataset in a latent class model to arrive at an empirical typology of political leaders around the world.

9. 国际关系研究中的国家建设经验

题目:State-Making Lessons For International Relations Research

作者:Douglas Lemke,宾夕法尼亚州立大学政治学系教授


Many of the central concerns of international relations—war, diplomatic relations, international trade and investment, and alliance politics—are also central to the state-making processes that are essential for the survival of states. The overlap between international relations and state making is profound but largely unrecognized. I present a framework emphasizing connections across these currently disparate areas of scholarship, thereby providing a more comprehensive basis for IR research. The framework I advance emphasizes the pursuit of capacity and legitimacy throughout a state’s existence, suggests new research topics, and raises new concerns about research design.




