

Sister, you take the bow, brother, I walk on the shore. I'm sure 99% of this sentence is sung.


It's really unhealthy to eat takeout at school. I suggest you don't go to school.


The collapse of young people began with employment, the collapse of middle-aged people began with borrowing money, and the collapse of old people began with learning square dance.


Friend: if your girlfriend and lover fall into the water at the same time, will you find another plump one or a petite one? Me: I can't swim yet.


The dishes are salty. Don't worry. Let them go for a while, because time can dilute everything.


'What is the most beautiful scenery in your hometown?'“ It's me '


The greatest sorrow of life is that youth is not there, but acne is still there.

脸皮厚的人 最常说的一句话是 我待你不薄阿。

One of the most common words of thick skinned people is that I treat you well.


Since childhood, there has been an enemy called 'other people's children'. He doesn't like playing games and always only knows how to study.


The computer has a common language with me. Every time I look at it gently, it crashes subconsciously.


Snow is nothing, but God is tearing up its homework.


Yesterday, I met two relatives. One had a room but was a little short, and the other was tall and handsome but had no room. I struggled all night. Today, the introducer sent a message saying that neither of them liked me.


For girls who love taking pictures, their mobile phones won't be too bad.


Invite me to eat when you miss me. I'll be right there.

