


方法:共有23名4-7年级的营养学教师(治疗学校,n = 12)和681名学生(治疗学校,n = 350)参加了本研究。在这项准实验研究中,随机选取了两所小学来实施情景NEP,采用经过验证的问卷评估营养KAP。治疗学校的教师使用完善的营养教育手册教授营养,而对照学校的教师则以常规方式教授。采用随机效应广义最小二乘法回归模型估计了治疗学校和对照学校之间教师和学生的KAP差异。单侧检验,p = 0.025作为衡量统计学差异的标准。

结果:干预后,与对照学校相比,治疗学校教师的总营养知识平均得分更高(85.5%±8.2,p = 0.003)。在治疗学校,教师总营养知识得分平均提高了14.1%,p ≤0.001。与对照学校的学生相比,治疗学校的学生总营养知识得分(53.2%±16.9,p = 0.002)和营养态度得分(63.9%±19.7,p = 0.001)更高。在治疗学校,学生的总营养知识得分和营养态度得分增加了4.9%(p ≤0.001)和6.9%(p≤0.001)。治疗学校的教师和学生的饮食习惯以及教师的营养态度在干预前后自身比较或与对照学校相比均无显著改善(p > 0.025)。




原文名称:A Contextual Nutrition Education Program Improves Nutrition Knowledge and Attitudes of South African Teachers and Learners

原文信息:Front. Public Health, 18 September 2019



原文:Background: Evaluating the impact of a nutrition education program could provide insight into the effectiveness of an intervention. Researchers tested the hypothesis that a theory-based contextual nutrition education program (NEP) would improve the nutrition knowledge,attitudes, and dietary practices (KAP) of teachers and learners.

Methods: Twenty three teachers who taught nutrition in Grades 4–7 (treatment school, n = 12) and 681 learners (treatment school, n = 350) participated in the study. In this quasi-experimental study,two primary schools were randomly selected to implement a contextual NEP. The nutrition KAP were assessed using previously validated questionnaires. The treatment school teachers taught nutrition using a developed nutrition education manual, while the control school teachers taught nutrition in the usual manner. Random effects Generalized Least Squares regression estimated the difference in the teachers' and learners' KAP for the treatment and control schools; p = 0.025 for a one-tailed test.

Results: At post-implementation, the treatment school teachers' had higher total nutrition knowledge mean score(85.5% ± 8.2, p = 0.003) compared to the control school. Within the treatment school, total nutrition knowledge mean score of the teachers improved by 14.1%,p ≤ 0.001. Learners in the treatment school had higher total nutrition knowledge (53.2% ± 16.9, p = 0.002) and nutrition attitude (63.9% ± 19.7, p =0.001) scores compared to learners in the control school. Within the treatment school, learners' total nutrition knowledge and nutrition attitudes scores increased by 4.9%, p ≤ 0.001 and 6.9%, p ≤ 0.001, respectively. The dietary practices of the teachers and the learners, and the nutrition attitudes of the teachers in the treatment school showed no significant within school improvement or in comparison with the control school (p > 0.025).

Conclusions: The NEP led to the improvement in the teachers' and the learners' nutrition knowledge and the learners'nutrition attitudes. However, no significant improvement in the dietary practices of either teachers or learners was found.

Keywords: nutrition education program, nutrition knowledge, attitudes, and dietary practices

▲ 编译:韦慧敏  初审:王筱笛  审稿人:那立欣





原文名称:Examining the Role of Anxiety and Depression in Dietary Choices among College Students




原文:This studyexamines the role of anxiety and depression symptoms in predicting dietarychoices in emerging adults while accounting for sex differences in 66theserelationships. Participants were 225 English speaking undergraduates enrolledin a university in southeastern United States. Participants were recruitedthrough an online research recruitment application utilized by the university.Participants volunteered for a two-phased anonymous survey monitoring theeffects of eating habits and gastrointestinal health in young adults. As partof this effort, participants completed self-reporting measures related toanxiety and depression, as well as an automated, self-administered 24-h dietrecall. Multigroup path analysis was used to test primary hypotheses. Overall,a decrease in total caloric intake and an increase in sugar consumption werefound as self-reported symptoms of anxiety and depression increased. Inaddition, there were sex differences in the relationship between depression andfood choices. Men consumed more saturated fat as well as less fruits andvegetables as self-reported symptoms of depression increased. Results suggestsymptoms of depression are a greater risk factor for poor nutrition in malecollege students than females. The findings provide another justification toscreen for psychological distress in student health services given theimplications on behavioral lifestyle and health.

Keywords:collegestudents; dietary intake; eating behaviors; mental health; sex differences

▲ 编译:高文怡  初审:王筱笛  审稿人:蒋燕





原文名称:“Do you think adolescents’ food intake is satisfactory?” – Views of Indian parents and teachers

原文信息:Appetite May 2020 IF=3.5



原文:Abstract:Adolescents develop food habits that affect both their present and future health. Under pinned by the stakeholder theory, this study was designed to explore the perspective of parents and nutrition educators regarding urban Indian adolescents’ food habits. Thirty-two educators and 280 parents from five independent, English-speaking, secondary schools in Kolkata, India completed a paper-based instrument consisting of both closed and open ended measures. Qualitative data were subjected to thematic analysis informed by the Template Analysis Technique. Descriptive and cross-tabulation analyses were employed to assess quantitative data. Three quarters(75%) of the respondents were dissatisfied with the ubiquitous consumption of energy-dense, nutrient-poor foods and sugar-sweetened beverages as well as the low intakes of healthy foods like fruits and vegetables among urban Indian adolescents. Six reasons were advanced for such unhealthy consumption including i) Proliferation of fast food retail outlets; ii) Hyper-palatability of fast food; iii) Marketing of fast food on electronic and social media; iv) Diminished household cooking practices; v) Lack of food knowledge; vi) Tendency to seek peer group acceptance. Both parents and educators suggested some healthy eating strategies aimed at improving the food and nutrition situation in Indian secondary schools to foster healthy eating among pupils. These included: i)Restrictions on the sale of unhealthy foods in school canteens; ii) Increased availability of attractive and palatable nutritious foods; iii) Discussion of the advantages of consuming healthy foods and inclusion of food preparation techniques in the school curriculum; iv) Home Economics coursework to be made mandatory for students. The findings suggest that Indian parents and teachers are likely to support changes to the food and nutrition curricula and to school food provision to foster healthy eating among adolescents.

Keywords: Adolescent Dietary behaviour Teacher Parent School India

▲ 编译:陶利  初审:姚歆远  审稿人:沈秀华


摘要:早期看护与教育老师(early care and education teachers,ECETs)的饮食和喂养行为可能会影响儿童的健康状况。本研究旨在:(1)收集一ECET调查样本中CFQ(儿童喂养问卷)和CFSQ(儿童喂养方式问卷)特征的数据,并将其特征与已发表的家长调查样本进行比较;(2)探讨ECETs的食物短缺经历与其喂养行为之间的联系。ECETs完成了506份横断面调查。适用于ECETs问卷的平均值模式、极差以及内部一致性与已发表的家长样本基本一致。在建立的量表中,单样本t检验表明家长与ECETs的平均值存在显著差异,效应值从中到大,尽管有些差异相对较小。ECETs大多数是专制型父母(35.6%),其次是溺爱型(29.2%),权威型(17.9%)和忽视型(17.3%)。T检验表明,在感知到的责任感、关注孩子体重、限制饮食、逼迫饮食、监督饮食、绝对化的要求和响应能力等方面,当前食物短缺的ECETs的量表得分显著高于目前食物充足的老师(所有p值均<0.001)。卡方检验发现,食物短缺并非独立于ECETs的喂养行为,对于食物短缺的ECETs,专制型喂养行为的比例更高,而溺爱型喂养行为的比例更少。总体而言,分析认为现行两种喂养行为评价量表对ECETs和家长基本一致。此外,结果表明,食物短缺与ECETs的喂养行为之间存在关联。



原文名称:Measuring feeding practices among early care and education teachers and examining relations with food insecurity

原文信息:Appetite 28 July 2020 IF=3.5



原文:Abstract:Early care and education teachers' (ECETs) dietary and feeding behaviors have the potential to influence children's health outcomes. This study sought to: (1) gather data on the properties and performance of the CFQ and CFSQ in an ECET sample and compare properties to published parent samples and (2) examine relations between FI experiences by ECETs and reported feeding practices. ECETs completed 506 cross-sectional surveys. Mean patterns, ranges, and internal consistency values on the adapted instruments for ECETs were consistent with those published for parents. Significant mean differences between parents and ECETs on established scales using one-sample t-tests were prevalent with medium to large effect sizes despite small, relative differences. The majority of ECETs were authoritarian (35.6%), followed by indulgent (29.2%), authoritative (17.9%), and uninvolved (17.3%). T-tests indicated that ECETs who were currently food insecure were significantly higher than teachers who were currently food secure on scales of perceived responsibility, concern about child weight, restriction, pressure to eat, monitoring, demandingness, and responsiveness (all p < .001). Chi-square tests found that food insecurity was not independent from ECET feeding style, with a greater occurrence of authoritarian and less of indulgent feeding styles for ECETs who were food insecure. Overall, analyses support that two popular measures of feeding practices function similarly in ECETs as they do in parents. Additionally, results demonstrate associations between food insecurity and ECETs' feeding practices.

Keywords: Feeding practices; Early care and education;Food insecurity;Child feeding questionnaire;Child feeding styles questionnaire

▲ 编译:魏佳妤  初审:姚歆远  审稿人:杜鹏、陈芷君




方法:2015年4月1日至27日,研究人员对1091名学生进行了一个以学校为基础的横向比较研究。研究采用多阶段分层抽样的方法选取受试志愿者。采用结构化问卷收集数据。使用SPSS 20进行数据录入和分析。数据分析包括描述性统计和逻辑回归分析。使用Anthro-plus软件对人体测量数据进行分析。

结果:在单变量分析中,非学校供餐(37.5%)的学生普遍比学校供餐(27.8%)更消瘦,但发育不良的情况较少见(所占比例分别为48.3%和58.5%)。然而,在校正混杂因素后,发育不良水平无差异,但校正后非学校供餐学生消瘦是学校供餐学生的2.6倍(95% CI:(1.8, 3.8))。其他导致消瘦的单独风险因素有:有未受过教育的母亲、男性及每天吃一顿饭。导致发育不良的单独风险因素有:民族、有未受过教育的母亲、无自来水供应、每天吃一顿饭、饮食类型及男性。




原文名称:The relationship between school meals with thinness and stunting among primary school students, in Meket Wereda, Ethiopia: comparing schools with feeding and non-feeding program



原文:Background:Though undernutrition affects academic performance, significant number of Ethiopian school children have undernutrition. To avert nutritional problems the government in collaboration with the world food program has implemented a school feeding program. However, data on the nutritional status of primary school students were scarce in the country. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the relationship between school meals with thinness and stunting among primary school students in Meket Woreda and to identify associated factors.

Methods:A school-based comparative cross-sectional study was conducted among 1091 students, from April 1–27, 2015. The study participants were selected using a multi-stage stratified sampling method. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data. Data entry and analysis were done using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20 software. Descriptive statistics and logistic regression analyses were done. Anthropometric data were analyzed using Anthro-plus software.

Results:In univariate analysis, thinness was commoner in nonschool feeding program schools (37.5%) compared to school feeding program schools (27.8%) but stunting was less common (48.3% versus 58.5%). However, after adjustment for confounding, there was no difference in stunting levels, but the adjusted odds ratio for thinness in nonschool feeding program schools was 2.6 (95% CI: (1.8, 3.8)) times higher than in school feeding program schools. Other independent risk factors for thinness were: having uneducated mother, being a male and taking meal once daily. Independent risk factors for stunting were ethnicity, having uneducated mother, un-piped water supply, taking meal once daily, type of diet and being a male.

Conclusion:The provision of meals seems to offer considerable protection against thinness, though not against stunting. Thus, school meal program should be scaling up into schools in food insecure areas.

Keywords:School feeding program,Primary school,Student,Nuntritional status

▲ 编译:汪颖  初审:李晓宇  审稿人:陈芷君

专家顾问:王晓黎  总策划:张亚捷

专栏主编:张飞  选题组长:谭凯元  编译组长:李晓宇

选题:翁慧 杨翠琪 杨诗晗 吴兰兰 康蔷 陈伟娜


