
1.Two Theories of'Capitalism':between Marx and Braudel;对“资本主义”的两种不同规定——在马克思与布罗代尔之间
2.Civilization and Upperstructure:Contraditions from Different Angles of View——A Comparison of Notions on Capitalism Between Weber and Braudel;“文明体”与“上层结构”:两种视角下的悖论——对韦伯与布罗代尔资本主义观的比较


1.On Fernand Braudel's Modernization Research费尔南·布罗代尔的现代化研究论析
2.A Review of Fernand Braudel s New Theory of Capitalism;费尔南·布罗代尔的资本主义新论述评
3.F.Braudel s 'Lengthy Period' and Marxist Morphological Views;布罗代尔的“长时段”与马克思的形态观
4.A Historical Reflection on the Myth of 'Free Market':from Blaudel s Perspective;对“自由市场”神话的历史性反思——布罗代尔的视野
5.The Restriction of Historiography and Confinement of History--Upon Reading Braudel;历史学的樊篱与历史的樊笼——读布罗代尔
6.Braudel s market theory--New angle of research on maketization degree;布罗代尔市场理论——市场化程度研究的新视角
7.Capitalism by I. Wallerstein and T. Paquot;沃勒斯坦与布罗代尔视野中的资本主义
8.Braudel s Market Theory and Chinese Agricultural Internationalization;布罗代尔的市场理论与中国农业国际化
9.On Restraints upon Capital Power from Gemeinschaft's Braudel Bell Jar礼俗社会的布罗代尔钟罩对资本力量的阻滞
10.Two Theories of'Capitalism':between Marx and Braudel;对“资本主义”的两种不同规定——在马克思与布罗代尔之间
11.Unsolved Capitalist Puzzle of Clock Cover;依然未解的资本主义“钟罩之谜”——试析德·索托对布罗代尔难题的求解
12.Robson came on in place of Wilkins ten minutes before the end of the game.比赛结束前十分钟罗布森上场替代威尔金斯.
13.the tempo and the feeling of modern life(bRobert L. Heilbroner)现代生活的节奏和情感(b罗伯特L.海尔布隆厄)
14.the tempo and the feeling of modern life(Robert L. Heilbroner)现代生活的节奏和情感(罗伯特L.海尔布隆厄)
15.Dombrowski-Brownell number多布罗斯基-布朗尼尔数
16.Professor Ronald Bracewell,罗纳德?布雷斯韦尔教授,
17.Dante Gabriel Rossetti但丁?加布里埃尔?罗塞蒂
18.Broccoli Albert R.阿尔伯特·R·布罗科利


Fernand Braudel布罗代尔
1.On Fernand Braudel’s Thoughts in Historical Comparison;试论布罗代尔的历史比较思想——以初版《菲利普二世时代的地中海与地中海世界》为讨论中心
2.On Fernand Braudel's Modernization Research费尔南·布罗代尔的现代化研究论析
3.It had been deeply influenced by the French Annals School,especially by Fernand Braudel s thoughts of Macro-history and 'long-term cycles'.黄仁宇的'大历史'观是一种经验历史哲学,形成于20世纪70年代,深受法国年鉴学派尤其是布罗代尔'整体史'与'长时段'理论的影响。
3)Fernand Braudel费尔南 布罗代尔
4)Braudel Bell Jar布罗代尔钟罩
1.On Restraints upon Capital Power from Gemeinschaft's Braudel Bell Jar礼俗社会的布罗代尔钟罩对资本力量的阻滞
5)theory of historical phases布罗代尔时段论



