【新刊速递】 第40期 | International Studies Quarterly, No.2, 2020


《国际研究季刊》(International Studies Quarterly)是国际研究协会的旗舰期刊,由牛津大学出版社每年发行四期,旨在发表与国际研究中重要理论性、实证性、规范性主题相关的领先学术成果。根据Journal Citation Reports的数据,2018年该期刊的影响因子为2.172。
【编译】张曼娜 金琳 房宇馨 朱晓洁 吴天麟
【校对】金琳 房宇馨 张曼娜 刘瑛琛 蔡宇

1. 选择背叛还是坚守立场?关于内战和平协议设计的解释
Selling Out or Standing Firm? Explaining the Design of Civil War Peace Agreements
2. 以美国为例,为什么公众更支持贸易保护主义?
Why is the Mass Public Not More Supportive of Free Trade? Evidence from the United States
3. 谁想当人肉炸弹?从伊斯兰国入伍人员中抽取的证据
Who Wants to Be a Suicide Bomber? Evidence from Islamic State Recruits
4. 欧洲议会对全面贸易协定的信任与支持
Trust and Support for Comprehensive Trade Agreements in the European Parliament
5. “谋杀的出口”:美国移民驱逐政策与暴力的扩散
Exporting Murder: US Deportation and the Spread of Violence
【题目】Selling Out or Standing Firm? Explaining the Design of Civil War Peace Agreements
【作者】Deniz Cil,马里兰大学国际发展与冲突管理中心(CIDCM)的博士后学者;Alyssa K. Prorok,伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校政治学助理教授
When do rebel leaders “sell out” their constituents in the terms of peace by signing agreements that benefit group elites over the rebel constituency, and when do they instead “stand firm,” pushing for settlement terms that benefit the public they claim to represent? This article examines variation in the design of civil war settlement agreements. It argues that constituents, fighters, and rebel elites have different preferences over the terms of peace, and that rebel leaders will push for settlements that reflect the preferences of whichever audience they are most reliant on and accountable to. In particular, leaders of groups that are more civilian-reliant for their military and political power are more likely to sign agreements that favor broad benefits for civilian constituents, while leaders who do not depend on civilian support for their political and military power will sign agreements with fewer public benefits. We test this argument using original data on the design of all final peace agreements reached between 1989 and 2009, and several proxies for the group’s level of reliance on civilian supporters. Using a variety of statistical tests and accounting for nonrandom selection into peace agreements, we find strong support for our hypothesis.
【题目】Why is the Mass Public Not More Supportive of Free Trade? Evidence from the United States
【作者】David H.Bearce,科罗拉多大学波尔得分校的政治学和国际事务教授;Samantha L.Moya,科罗拉多大学波尔得分校政治学博士候选人
This article explores why citizens favor protection despite the economic case for free trade. It argues that due to a lack of training and in an environment of stable prices, many individuals are not aware of the consumption benefits. Even when they are aware, citizens tend to discount these benefits due to media coverage of the employment costs and loss aversion. The article presents survey evidence from an American sample, showing that a belief in lost jobs is more strongly associated with trade preferences than a belief in lower prices. Given that the former pushes citizens toward less favorable trade attitudes, it also presents evidence from a priming experiment, testing if attitudes can be moved in a more favorable direction with positive information. Factual information about the consumer benefits has no effect, but information about the employment effects shifts attitudes positively. In the present environment, it thus appears more effective to prime pro-trade attitudes by appealing to jobs than to prices.
【題目】 Who Wants to Be a Suicide Bomber? Evidence from Islamic State Recruits
【作者】Andrea Michelle Morris,罗切斯特大学政治学博士候选人
Suicide attackers are frequently educated and economically well-off. These findings are widely taken as evidence that highly competent individuals predominately volunteer to conduct suicide operations. I evaluate this theory using a novel dataset on the personnel records of members of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). The dataset contains information on the characteristics of individuals who volunteer for suicide attacks as opposed to normal combat missions. The results reject the self-selection hypothesis, as education and religious knowledge are negatively associated with volunteering for suicide attacks. Instead, the findings are consistent with an alternative explanation for why high-quality individuals commit suicide attacks: leaders of terrorist organizations carefully screen recruits and select high-quality individuals to commit these attacks. The results highlight the importance of leader demand rather than soldier supply of suicide bombers.
【题目】Trust and Support for Comprehensive Trade Agreements in the
European Parliament
【作者】Sara Norrevik,布法罗州立大学政治科学系博士候选人
【摘要】全面贸易协定(Comprehensive Trade Agreements,CTAs)作为新一代自由贸易协定,对传统的贸易优惠模式构成了挑战。为了了解对CTAs的偏好,作者提出了一个新的预测因子——对政府的信任,来解释欧洲议会对CTAs的支持。同时,作者建立了一个包含经济和非经济因素的统一框架以解释贸易优惠,并对支持CTAs的三种情况进行了分析:跨大西洋贸易和投资伙伴关系(TTIP)、与加拿大的全面经济贸易协定(CETA)和欧盟—韩国自由贸易协定。通过利用一个关于贸易投票的原始数据集和多层次模型,作者发现,公民对政府的信任度越高,欧洲议会成员就越有可能投票支持CTAs。本文为公众信任与精英立场的联系提供了新的理论论证和见解。
Comprehensive Trade Agreements (CTAs) constitute a new generation of free trade agreements, which challenge traditional models of trade preferences. To understand preferences toward CTAs I present a new predictor, trust in government, that explains support for CTAs in the European Parliament. I develop a unified framework that includes economic and noneconomic factors to explain trade preferences, and analyze support for three recent CTAs: the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), the Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement with Canada (CETA), and the EU-Korea Free Trade Agreement. Using an original dataset on trade voting and a multilevel model, I show that higher levels of citizens trust in government make Members of the European Parliament more likely to vote in favor of CTAs. My research offers a novel theoretical argument and insights on the connection between public trust and elite position-taking.
【题目】Exporting Murder: US Deportation and the Spread of Violence
【作者】Christian Ambrosius, 柏林自由大学拉美研究所研究员,墨西哥国立自治大学客座教授;David A. Leblang,弗吉尼亚大学政治学教授
Existing literature on cross-national variation in violence has paid little attention to the transnational transmission of crime. One such channel is the forced return of migrants with a penal record in their country of temporary residence. Responding to this research gap, we study the effect of US deportation of convicts on the level of violence crime in deportees’ country of origin for a cross country panel of up to 123 countries covering the years 2003—2014. We found a strong and robust effect of the deportation of convicts on homicide rates in countries of origin, which is to a large degree driven by deportations to Latin America and the Caribbean. An additional inflow of ten deportees with a prior criminal history per 100,000 increases expected homicide rates by roughly two. In addition to controlling for country-specific fixed effects, we provide evidence on a causal effect using a instrumental variable approach, which exploits spatial and time variation in migrant populations’ exposure to state level immigration policies in the united states.
