1/20 【美国历史上的今天】杜鲁门的这个计划,成为美国外交政策上的一个里程碑
When: Jan 20, 1949
What: President Harry S. Truman announced Point Four program in his inaugural address.
Why significant: Point Four Program was the first US plan for international economic development. The U.S. found itself in a Cold War struggle against the USSR following WW II. The Truman administration hence designed the Point Four program to contain the Soviet threat. The idea was to use technical assistance as a means to win the "hearts and minds" of the developing world, and to foster economic development and opportunities for capital investment in the Third World. The program resulted in millions of dollars in scientific and technical assistance and hundreds of U.S. experts sent to Latin American, Asian, Middle Eastern, and African countries. Through the program, the US shared its "know-how" and helped nations develop with technical assistance.
The program was not welcomed completely abroad. Some suspected that the program was merely another form of economic imperialism designed to make Third World nations to increase their natural resource production for the benefit of Western industries. But Truman denied that this was a colonial venture to dominate other countries. Despite these concerns, America’s technical assistance initiatives to other countries continued throughout the duration of the Cold War.
Tags: Cold War, President Harry S. Truman, Point Four Program