Chloé's hands-out equal pose美喽外婆的故事中文以及配图由美喽本人提供,作为这项活动的发起者陶理在征得同意的基础上,做了英文翻译,标点符号和表达方式以及部分颜色的修改,并且做了排版,也附上了自己的个人评论。(there is some nice surprise you will see at the end of this post)一直坚持打太极锻炼的她前几年滑倒让她只能拄拐走路。去年又因不想打扰家人休息而再次跌倒,股骨头碎裂,面临95岁要换关节的难题,医生说30%的风险可能下不来手术台。突然感觉在脑海里对外婆的印象永远停留在小时候一直带我去同济大学三好坞坐在大树上吃野餐的外婆。不太喜欢用慈祥这种笼统的词去形容一个面带微笑看着小辈的年长女性。但我每次路过同济三好坞都会想起小时候的那个春日的下午,那个笑意盈盈的外婆。后来土改后家道中落,父母双亡只能过继给叔叔家,叔叔不让女孩再读书。于是倔强的外婆毅然选择了免费师范生,背井离乡,成为了一名幼儿园老师,后因工作出色成为了当地的园长。期间和搞地质研究的外公结婚,在怀我妈妈的时候正是幼儿园扩园的时候,由于太过劳累与医疗条件限制,妈妈最后出现了严重的髋关节问题,成了残疾人,这点成为了外婆一辈子的愧疚。再后来,外婆还是跟着来同济大学做教师的外公从湖南调配来上海,进入少年儿童出版社工作。最后因为成分还有编制的问题,成为了工人退休,至今的退休工资也只有两三千。20几年前外公罹患癌症去世,外婆从那个时候开始自学书法和国画,之后书画一直相伴身边(放一张外婆在72岁画的仕女画)作为没有任何绘画基础训练的她,能靠老年大学与自己的练习达到这个程度,非常令人吃惊!只要去外婆家,她都会和我讨论她的作品,“永”字八法的秘诀,无论是她70、80还是90,直到90出头,眼底出现问题,才慢慢放弃了书画。外婆的一生经历过战争、不断失去亲人、贫困、子女身体残疾、伴侣去世等等。在她的生活里也好像永远在歌颂,画仕女、风景,讲幼儿园的故事和幼儿教育法,撰写经典名家作品等等。曾经颠沛流离但永远仰面光芸,也许只有内心的爱与希望能一直支撑着她。My grandmother is 96 years old this year.She has been exericising Tai Chi for many years but she slipped a few years ago, and now she could only walk with crutches. Last year she fell again because she didn't want to disturb her family when they were resting. She broke her femoral head. The problem of changing joints is that doctors say that ther is 30% risk that she may not survive in the surgery.Suddenly, I feel that the image of grandma in my mind have always been this: when I was a child, my grandma always took me to Sanhaowu in Tongji University, sitting under a big tree for a picnic. I prefer not to use the general word like 'kindness' to describe her smiling looking at a junior. But every time I pass by Tongji Sanhaowu, I think of my smiling grandmother at a spring afternoon.My grandmother was a child of a squire family when she was a little child. Her family were wealthy.After her parents died after the land reform, she was passed on to her uncle on her father's side.Her uncle refused to let girl (her) go to school anymore.She was stubborn so she chose to study normal education. (note: As normal student who will graduate and work as teacher does not need to pay tuition fee, so it is free education)After working as a kindergarten teacher, she became a local headmaster because of her excellent work.Then she married my grandfather who was engaged in geological research.When she was pregnant with my mother, it was the same time when the kindergarten expanded its size.Due to overwork and medical conditions, my mother eventually developed a serious hip problem and became a disabled person.This then has been my grandmother's guilt throughout her life.Later, my grandmother followed my grandfather who came to Tongji University as a lecturer.They migrated from Hunan to Shanghai. My grandma started to work in the Children's Publishing House.However, because of her family composition and the publishing units' limited place of formal employees, she retired as a worker as her career status.Till now, her retirement salary is only two or three thousand yuan.My grandfather died of cancer over 20 years ago.My grandmother then began to learn calligraphy and Chinese painting by herself.Since then, painting and calligraphy have been with her (attached her painting painted by a grandmother at the age of 72).This artpiece is painted by Chloé Wang's grandmaAs someone without any basic training in painting, all she can rely on is the Senior University, and she managed to reachthis level by keep practicing on her own. I would say it is very surprising!As long as I visit her at her house, she will be happy to discuss her work with me, like the secret of "永Yong" character in the calligraphy.Either in her 70, 80 or 90s, until in her early 90s, there is something wrong in her eyes, and then she had to slowly give up painting and calligraphy.Grandma's life has experienced war, constant loss of loved ones, poverty, physical disability of her children, death of her partner and other misfortunes.But one can hardly hear her complaining.In her life, she always prefers to sing and praise, painting ladies, landscapes, telling kindergarten stories and early childhood pedagogy, writing classic masterpieces in calligraphy, and so on.Once she was exuberant but she always look up. Perhaps only the love and hope in her heart can always support her.
Me, grandma and my son in 2019
我认识美喽有快五年时间了,可每次和她交流都有惊喜,会发现还有这样的角度看待世界,觉得自己身心愉悦,还觉得这个世界都变得更迷人可爱了一些。Personally I have known Chloé for nearly five year, but still, everytime I talk with her, I will get some surprise, will find out there are more perspectives to see the world, not just I am feeling good, I feel the world is more adorable and lovely.我想应该她的很多学生也有类似的感觉吧。美喽把自己的人生都活成了艺术,而且她还毫不费力地让其他人看到了艺术的美好与能量。I guess many of her students will agree with me: Chloé Wang is a person who lives her life like a fine art, and she can effortlessly let others appreciate the beauty and energy in art.I feel it is my great fortune to get her involved, giving me chance to see something in deep.感谢她的信任,我们才可以知道她生命中还有一位传奇的女性(我知道肯定还有更多)。Thanks to her trust, we get to know there are some other lengendary female figure in her life ( I know for sure: there are more).如果你也和我一样很喜欢(*3)美喽的话,我还想给你看这个:And if you like (*3) Chloé as I do, I also want to present this: