看图写作52:The Chinese Calligraphy Lesson

The Chinese Calligraphy Lesson
by Haochuan
In the Wednesday afternoon, Mr. Yang gave calligraphy classes to the students of Grade 5 as usual.
Mr. Young asked the students to take out their paper and brushes. Then he began to explain how to write the Chinese character state which is Guo in Chinese Pinyin .
While explaining, he slowly moved the brush. The students looked at that beautiful character. Then they learnt to write the character home which means family by themselves.
We all know that calligraphy is one of the carriers of Chinese traditional culture. Through the calligraphy course, students understood the relationship between the country and the family.

在高中英语新课标(2020)中,教学活动除了传统的听、说、读、写外,增加了“看”,即 Viewing 这一提法。这促使师生进一步改进教与学的策略,把原来的文本阅读,拓展到非连续文本和可视化范围。