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Imidazoline 1 receptor activation preserves respiratory drive in spontaneously breathing newbornrats during dexmedetomidine administration



方  法

将给药的腹部导管和3个用于记录心电图数据的皮下电极分别插入2到5日龄Wistar经异氟醚吸入麻醉的大鼠中。在单独的房间内,每只大鼠经腹腔给予右美托咪定(50 μg·kg-1),5 min后分别给予生理盐水或者1、5、10 mg·kg-1的阿替美唑(选择性α2肾上腺素能受体拮抗剂)或者依法克生(α2肾上腺素能受体/ I1受体拮抗剂)。用药前、后记录心肺功能指标。

结  果

单独应用右美托咪定造成了心肺功能指标的显著变化。加用5 mg·kg-1或者10 mg·kg-1的阿替美唑,或1 mg·kg-1的依法克生完全改善右美托咪定相关的心率(HR)降低。加用1 mg·kg-1阿替美唑,1 mg·kg-1或5 mg·kg-1的依法克生完全改善右美托咪啶相关的呼吸频降低。平均吸气流速(VT /TI;VT表示潮气量,TI表示吸气时间)作为呼吸驱动的一个指标,并不受单独应用右美托咪定 (P = 0.273) 及右美托咪定合用阿替美唑(P = 0.605, 0.153, 0.138 各自对应 1, 5, 10 mg·kg-1阿替美唑 )的影响。然而,右美托咪定合用依法克生后平均吸气流速显著降低(P = 0.029, <0.001, <0.001 各自对应 1, 5, 10 mg·kg-1依法克生)。

结  论



Sato N, Saiki C, Tamiya J    Imidazoline 1 receptor activation preserves respiratory drive in spontaneously breathing newbornrats during dexmedetomidine administration   Paediatr Anaesth. 2017 May;27(5):506-515. doi: 10.1111/pan.13107. Epub 2017 Feb 8


Dexmedetomidine is an alpha-2 (α2 ) adrenoceptor and imidazoline 1 (I1 ) receptor agonist that provides sedation without loss of respiratory drive.


The aim of this study was to elucidate the involvement of α2 -adrenoceptor and I1 receptor in the cardiorespiratory changes induced by dexmedetomidine in spontaneously breathing newborn rats.


An abdominal catheter to administer drugs and three subcutaneous electrodes to record electrocardiographic data were inserted into 2- to 5-day-old Wistar rats under isoflurane anesthesia. In individual chambers, each rat was intraperitoneally administered dexmedetomidine (50 μg·kg-1 ) followed 5 min later by normal saline or 1, 5, or 10 mg·kg-1 atipamezole (selective α2 -adrenoceptor antagonist) or efaroxan (α2 -adrenoceptor/I1 receptor antagonist). Cardiorespiratory indices were recorded before and after drug administration.


The administration of dexmedetomidine alone resulted in significant changes to most of the cardiorespiratory indices examined. The addition of 5 or 10 mg·kg-1 atipamezole or 1 mg·kg-1 efaroxan completely ameliorated the dexmedetomidine-associated reduction in heart rate (HR). The addition of 1 mg·kg-1 atipamezole or 1 or 5 mg·kg-1 efaroxan completely ameliorated the dexmedetomidine-associated reduction in respiratory frequency. Mean inspiratory flow (VT /TI ; VT is tidal volume and TI is inspiratory time), which is an index of respiratory drive, was not significantly affected by the administration of dexmedetomidine alone (P = 0.273) or dexmedetomidine + atipamezole (P = 0.605, 0.153, 0.138 for 1, 5, 10 mg·kg-1 atipamezole, respectively); however, it was significantly decreased after the administration of dexmedetomidine + efaroxan (P = 0.029, <0.001, <0.001 for 1, 5, 10 mg·kg-1 efaroxan, respectively).


Our results suggest that in newborn rats undergoing dexmedetomidine sedation, the α2 -adrenoceptor, but not I1 receptor, is involved in the regulation of HR and respiratory frequency, and that activation of the I1 receptor plays a major role in the maintenance of respiratory drive.




