Growth and Change 期刊征稿 | 乡村振兴特刊
Special Issue for Growth and Change
Rural restructuring and pathways towards revitalization in transitional China and beyond
Dr. Yurui Li
Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS
· Associate professor at Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
· Research interests: agricultural geography, land engineering, urban-rural integration, rural development and poverty alleviation.
· Contact:
Dr. Jinlong Gao
Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, CAS
· Associate professor at Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
· Research interests: human geography in general, but particularly urban expansion and regeneration, rural development and land use. Currently rural land use transition and rural revitalization in China.
· Contact:
Prof. Dr.
Guanqing Chi
The Pennsylvania State University
· Professor and director of the Computational and Spatial Analysis Core of the Population Research Institute and the Social Science Research Institute at the Pennsylvania State University.
· Research interests: demography, spatial analysis, population and environment, social statistics, and transportation and society.
· Contact:
Prof. Dr.
David W. Marcouiller
University of Wisconsin-Madison
· Professor in the Department of Planning and Landscape Architecture and an affiliate with Nelson Institute of Environmental Studies at UW-Madison.
· Research interests: the economic linkages and public policies that address the nexus between natural resource management and rural development.
· Contact:
· Multidimensional restructuring of rural China
· Models of rural development and revitalization
· Land use transition and rural transformation
· Human-land nexus in and beyond the countryside
· Urban-rural integration and exurbanization
How does the special issue contribute to current debates and research?
In the wake of widespread concerns of rural decline, the popularization of rural revitalization, and implications of urban-rural integration and reconfiguration of rural life, rural restructuring has received an increasing attention from scholars and policy makers across the globe. The debate on trajectories and mechanisms of rural revitalization has been particularly intense in the global south, where scholars and government officials have continually debated the scope and consequences of reforms and the extent of urban-rural inequality. Although the related literature tends to promote rural development in developing economies through perspectives of industrialization and urbanization, there is an increasing voice arguing for globalizing rural development, echoed by perspectives of global production networks and rural cosmopolitanism. Yet, these approaches have limitations since they tend to overemphasize the global or extraregional process in shaping trajectories of rural development, with the role of local initiatives being underestimated.
We hereby propose this special issue focusing on different pathways of rural development in China within its transitional context. We argue that traditional rural studies have adopted the urbanization lens that focuses on the impact of urbanization including “rural industrialization from below” and “bottom-up urbanization”, though recent studies in regional economies along the evolutionary economic geography (EEG) have looked the issue from a multi-disciplinary, multi-scale, and dynamic views. Nevertheless, theoretical understanding and empirical investigation of rural development is still very much fragmented. We also aim to broaden the debate over the logic and trajectories of rural restructuring by soliciting a number of theoretically sound and empirically biased empirical studies that range from case studies on individual towns/villages, to studies that investigate the issues from the national and regional scales. By do so, we hope this special issue will help develop a comprehensive theoretical lens to investigate rural restructuring and pathways towards revitalization.
In general, we focus on different trajectories and mechanisms of rural development at multiple scales. We hope that the special issue will enrich our understanding of China’s experience in poverty reduction and rural urbanization. The special issue will also provide insights for governmental decision makers to design appropriate policies for rural and regional development.
· Submission deadline: May 1st, 2021
· Publication: December 2021