

错误1:直接硬译中文这类直译问题造成语句生硬、用词啰嗦,或者不符合英文表达习惯。例句1:在中国,一些教育机构打着颠覆传统教育的标语从事线上教育。不好:In China, some education enterprises conducted online education with a slogan of overturning traditional education.较好:In China, some education enterprises described their work as overturning traditional education and conducted online education.例句2:相比于设备甲,我更相信设备乙。不好:I believe device A more than device B.较好:I believe device A would be more effective than device B.例句3:随着时光流逝,这些企业从市场上消失了。不好:These enterprises faded away from the market as time went by.较好:Over time, these enterprises faded away from the market.例句4:从中国教育部的统计资料可以看出,截止到2016年,中小学网络覆盖率达到87%。不好:We have seen statistics from the Ministry of Education of China showing that the Internet access rate of elementary and high schools in China had reached 87% by 2016.较好:Statistics from the Ministry of Education of China have shown that, by 2016, the Internet access rate of elementary and high schools in China had reached 87%.例句5:看到这些成就,我逐渐坚定了职业方向,希望能为机械工程领域做出贡献。不好:I have observed these achievements, and I have gradually decided my directions of career development in order to make good contributions to the field of mechanical engineering.较好:I have observed these achievements, which inspired me to direct my career development to contribute positively to the field of mechanical engineering.例句6:由于他们片面理解“技术”概念,导致失败。不好:They failed due to their partial understanding of the “technology” concept.较好:They failed due to their partial understanding of the role of technology.例句7:这些技术不论软硬都是有用的。错误:These technologies, regardless soft or hard, are useful.正确:These technologies, whether soft or hard, are useful.错误2:语言啰嗦。这类问题造成用词偏多,篇幅过长。纠正这类问题时,不仅需要把“in order to”简化为“to”,而且需要从用词结构上予以简化。学术写作应当力求简洁精炼。不好:This experience was the motivation for me to pursue study in mechanical engineering.较好:This experience motivated me to pursue study in mechanical engineering不好:This is an important stage during the growth of children.较好:This is an important stage in children’s growth.不好:There are powerful voices to call for changes in systems engineering.较好:Powerful voices are calling for changes in systems engineering.错误3:主语和宾语的语序颠倒这类问题的原因是写法不符合英文表达习惯。不好:Changing people’s perception of the nature of systems engineering is the key to the success of making positive changes in system science.较好:The key to making positive changes in system science is transforming the perception of the nature of systems engineering.错误4:对于以“Only”开头的强调式状语,未将动词反置在主语前面这类问题涉及以“Only after”、“Only if”、“Only in this way”等开头的句子。错误:Only by changing the work condition, it is possible for them to finish the project.正确:Only by changing the work condition, is it possible for them to finish the project.错误5:没有适时强调否定式不强调否定:The performance or the durability of the engine has not been changed.强调否定:Neither the performance nor the durability of the engine has been changed.错误6:表达原因的写法不符合英文习惯不好:I thought the reason was that I was not fluent in German.较好:I thought this was because I was not fluent in German.不好:The reason for the engineers to choose this software was that they wanted fast computation.较好:The engineers have chosen this software because they wanted fast computation.错误7:没有前置状语短语经常提倡的所谓状语后置原则是为了突出主语。但是,在安排状语短语的位置时,不应当牺牲修饰关系清晰性、语意连续性、特意强调性。修饰关系清晰性不好:Some education enterprises described their work as overturning traditional education and conducted online education in China.修饰关系清晰性较好:In China, some education enterprises described their work as overturning traditional education and conducted online education.语意连续性不好:I received support from my parents when I was young in learning math.语意连续性较好:When I was young, my parents supported me in learning math.特意强调性不好:I studied in Shanghai in mechanical engineering during my four years of undergraduate study.特意强调性较好:During my four years of undergraduate study, I studied in Shanghai in mechanical engineering.错误8:未将带有“with”和动名词的状语短语变成动词从句,不符合英文表达习惯不好:His effort will be rewarded with his careful plan and persistent pursuing.较好:His effort will be rewarded as he pursues his careful plan with persistence.错误9:在表达使用措施的“with”、“by”、“using”之间有混淆不好:The gas temperature was measured with the thermocouple.较好:The gas temperature was measured using the thermocouple.不好:The oxygen concentration was measured by using an oxygen sensor.较好:The oxygen concentration was measured using an oxygen sensor.错误10:忽略必须使用的从句及其时态错误:I found that there were numerous tools originated from modern technology.正确:I found that there were numerous tools that had originated from modern technology.不好:There are great differences between the children receiving quality-oriented education and the children receiving exam-oriented education.较好:There are great differences between children who receive quality-oriented education and those who receive exam-oriented education.错误11:误用被动语态,不符合英文表达习惯不好:Some technologies are easy to be mastered and implemented by these companies.较好:Some technologies are easy for these companies to master and implement.错误12:介词多余错误:The analysis focus was on passing inspection.正确:The analysis focus was passing inspection.错误:The temperature is at 100 °C.正确:The temperature is 100 °C.错误13:介词缺失错误:The reduction in thermal efficiency caused by friction can be compensated by reducing heat transfer losses.正确:The reduction in thermal efficiency caused by friction can be compensated for by reducing heat transfer losses.错误:I searched solutions.正确:I searched for solutions.错误14:介词搭配错误错误:They developed the product with joint efforts of external teams.正确:They developed the product in a joint effort with external teams.错误:I was admitted to the Ph.D. program of Chemistry in Washington University in 2012.正确:In 2012, I was admitted to the Ph.D. program in Chemistry at Washington University.错误:He provided an answer for this question.正确:He provided answer to this question.不好:The temperature drop leads to the reduction of thermal efficiency.较好:The temperature drop leads to the reduction in thermal efficiency.错误15:不定冠词“a”或“an”与定冠词“the”的混淆或缺失错误:The maximum efficiency was 80%, obtained with the inlet gas velocity of 12 m/s.正确:The maximum efficiency was 80%, obtained with an inlet gas velocity of 12 m/s.错误16:用错单数和复数错误:At a temperature above 300 ℃, the thermal efficiency decreased slightly.正确:At temperatures above 300 ℃, the thermal efficiency decreased slightly.错误17:漏用撇号所有格形式虽然名词能够修饰名词,但在很多情况下,使用带撇号的所有格形式能将修饰关系表达得更清晰。不好:The measurement point A was at the dust collector inlet.较好:The measurement point A was at the dust collector’s inlet.错误18:书名未使用斜体,或误用引号或中文书名号错误:I read the books of “Principles of Vibration” and《Fluid Mechanics》.正确:I read Principles of Vibration and Fluid Mechanics.错误19:论文或文章的标题未加引号,或误用斜体。错误:I wrote a thesis titled Engine Performance Analysis at High-Altitude Conditions.正确:I wrote a thesis titled “Engine Performance Analysis at High-Altitude Conditions”.



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