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Anti-neutrophil properties of natural gingerols in models of lupus



2020-12-29, Article

Abstract & Authors:展开

Ginger is known to have anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative effects, and has traditionally been used as an herbal supplement in the treatment of various chronic diseases. Here, we report anti-neutrophil properties of 6-gingerol, the most abundant bioactive compound of ginger root, in models of lupus and antiphospholipid syndrome (APS). Specifically, we demonstrate that 6-gingerol attenuates neutrophil extracellular trap (NET) release in response to lupus- and APS-relevant stimuli through a mechanism that at least partially dependent on inhibition of phosphodiesterases. At the same time, administration of 6-gingerol to mice reduces NET release in various models of lupus and APS, while also improving other disease-relevant endpoints such as autoantibody formation and large-vein thrombosis. In summary, this study is the first to demonstrate a protective role for ginger-derived compounds in the context of lupus, and importantly provides a potential mechanism for these effects via phosphodiesterase inhibition and attenuation of neutrophil hyperactivity.

First Authors:
Ramadan A Ali

Correspondence Authors:
Jason S Knight

All Authors:
Ramadan A Ali,Alex A Gandhi,Lipeng Dai,Julia K Weiner,Shanea K Estes,Srilakshmi Yalavarthi,Kelsey Gockman,Duxin Sun,Jason S Knight

