
崇宁重宝系北宋徽宗崇宁年间铸(公元1102年~1106年),币质有铜、铁、银。 崇宁重宝为隶书铜、铁大钱,制作多亦精好,存世较多。崇宁重宝钱文隶书,古朴方正,严谨庄重,法度固定。有人认为,崇宁重宝钱文也是徽宗所书,但史无定论。重宝版别几百种,面背记号多,有花穿、决文、面星、背星月纹等,常能见到。 关于此钱,有一个传说,谓其面文为蔡京所书,而蔡京书写时别有用心地将“崇”字的山和宗的竖笔上下贯通,连成一线;将“宁”字繁体之中的“心”省略,被人指责为“有意破宋,无心宁国”。“崇宁”钱存世尚多,版别亦多,但迄今并未发现有如上所说这种写法的钱币。自然也有根据以上说法造假的,但那很容易辨别出来。因此这段传说得不到印证,至今仍是一个谜。 公元1100年1月,北宋皇帝哲宗病故,由其弟赵佶接替做了北宋第八任皇帝,为宋徽宗。徽宗“性甚机巧,优于技艺”,终日沉迷于书法绘画,不理朝纲。他在位25年,先后铸造了圣宋通宝、崇宁重宝(通宝)、大观通宝、政和通宝(重宝)、重和通宝、宣和通宝(元宝)等6种钱币。

The chongning treasure was made in the reign of chongning of huizong in the northern song dynasty (1102 ~ 1106). Chongning heavy treasure for the official script copper, iron money, make more also fine, exist in the world more. Chongning heavy treasure qian wen li script, simple and square, rigorous and solemn, the law is fixed. Some people think that chongning treasure qian wen is also written by huizong, but there is no conclusion in history. < / p > < p > heavy treasure version of hundreds of different, face back mark more, there are flower wear, determination, face star, back stellar-moon grain, and so on, often can be seen. About this money, there is a legend that its text was written by CAI jing, and CAI jing writing ulterior motives will 'chong' the word of the mountain and the vertical pen up and down, connected into a line; The omission of the 'heart' in the traditional Chinese characters of 'ning' was criticized as 'intentionally breaking the song dynasty, but not the country'. 'Chongning' money is still in the world, the edition is also more, but so far have not found such as the above said that the style of money. Of course there are fakes based on the above, but it's easy to tell. So the legend has not been confirmed and remains a mystery. In January, 1100, the northern song emperor zhe zong died of illness, and his brother zhao ji succeeded him as the eighth emperor of the northern song dynasty. Hui zong 'nature is very clever, superior to the skills', all day long indulge in calligraphy and painting, regardless of the direction. During his 25 years in power, he successively minted 6 kinds of COINS, such as shengsong tongbao, chongning zhongbao (tongbao), daguan tongbao, zhenghe tongbao (zhongbao), zhonghe tongbao, xuanhe tongbao (ingot), etc.




Today we see this collection called chung rather heavy treasure, for round square hole copper coin, size is correct, positive 'ning bao' COINS official script to read four word, font dignified neat, stroke plump, tall and handsome, this money back light, perforated clean, COINS and tidy, of primitive simplicity, founder testimonies fixed, rigorous solemn, natural old wrapped slurry, the currency has undergone the endless years, but the lines are still clear, very rare.

作为研究古代经济发展水平和币制文化不可或缺的古代钱币,近几年格外受到收藏人士的喜爱,其收藏投资价值也持续上涨。而在众多钱币中,崇宁重宝其本身的收藏价值再加上镌刻其中的书法艺术价值决定了它的不平凡和投资收藏前景。 一般而言现在市场上出现最多拍卖价格较高的钱币要属大清钱币和民国袁大头,但要说清朝以前的古钱币,当然是崇宁通宝和崇宁重宝钱币,本身的收藏价值再加上镌刻其中的书法艺术价值共同决定它的不平凡和投资收藏前景。

As the indispensable ancient coin that studies ancient economy development level and monetary system culture, in recent years get collect personage especially love, its collect investment value also rises continuously. Among the numerous COINS, the collection value of chongning zhongbao and the calligraphy art value of its inscription determine its extraordinary and investment collection prospect. Generally speaking the coin that appears most on the market now auction price is higher should belong to qing dynasty coin and republic of China yuan big head, but want to say the ancient coin before qing dynasty, it is chongning tong treasure and chongning treasure treasure coin of course, its collect value plus the calligraphy art value that engrave among them decides its not common and investment collect prospect jointly.


Each kind of coin is witnessing a period of history, the coin market in recent years has shown an explosive growth, transaction price and turnover are climbing every year. On the one hand, with the economic growth, has passed the stage of material pursuit, in order to meet the spiritual needs, more and more people into the collection.

