Daily Inspiration④①④

悦读阅美约未来Read and read the future of the United States


Wealth is a kind of deposit, you can't take it away; honor is a light, you can't keep it; success is a fruit, you can't taste it all the year round; life is a process, you can't let it stop. Things are dialectical. When you get something, you lose something else. When you lose something, you also get something.


No matter which stage of life you go to, you should like that period of time, fulfill the responsibilities that should be accomplished at that stage, go along with your life, not indulge in the past, and not look forward to the future enthusiastically. That's all right. Some things, it seems that this is not the case now, but at that time, it was really a person who survived one second at a time.


Since the day I met you, my heart, like falling into a deep lake, can not push, can not hide, my heart has always wanted to lean on you, someone once told me, feelings can not be reluctant, and can not be near, but when I saw you, I became unlike myself.


After you left, I secretly loved you for a long time, until you said let go, we can't go back, I understand that it's not going back, it's just not love. From knowing you to connecting with your life, I never regret it.


True love is like a dazzling fireworks, in the lonely night, blooming a shocking light. Every minute, every second is bright and precious. When two people really love each other, they should live each day as they both desire. If so, this life, will be extremely happy.


If you always think you're young and can waste time, you'll never get anywhere. Always sigh. —— Youth is capital, but short. I want to be a very wealthy lonely patient, take the way I like, do what I like, say what I like, be a real casual person.


The so-called maturity is: you have to get used to, anybody's cold and hot; you also have to look down on, anybody's gradual drift away. Not confused in the heart, not trapped in the feelings. Don't fear the future, don't think about the past. Live your life indifferently. Don't be vigorous, just be at ease. So, good.


People live is a kind of mentality, when you are indifferent to the pain of life, indifferent to fame and fortune, positive and balanced mentality, asking for something but not asking for something, doing something but not doing something, do not deliberately conceal themselves, do not meet others snobberately, just be a simple and true self. In this way, even if we are disappointed, we will have no matter what we gain or lose. We will be frank, honest, calm and happy.


Some people live in other people's eyes, others want him to be what he will be like, others always live in other people's memories, even themselves, unwilling to accept the changed facts; the former regrets, because he is always a puppet, changed by other people's words puppet, but compared with the latter, he can distinguish some problems, but the latter has become one. Sadly, such a person can never escape from drawing circles of his own.


The real voice is never heard from your heart. Everyone's recognition of voice comes from past experience. A true Duelist should go forward and never stop on the road of duel. If God is in the way, then beat God and move on!


If you are brave, the world will give way; if you are not afraid, fate will yield! We can choose to stagnate stubbornly, or we can choose to self-discipline and self-change; we can choose comfort and pleasure, or we can choose to strive for fruits; we can choose dull dull, or we can choose vigorous brilliance. It is not God, but ourselves that determines our destiny.


Sincerely like a person, always want to give each other the best, to meet all the requirements of each other, but you also need to know that people have desires, if the person you really pay does not understand you, constantly demand, then tired can only be yourself.



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