
百年庆典 centennial

本着……精神 in the spirit of

毕业典礼graduation ceremony

闭幕词 closing speech/address

承蒙/应……的盛情邀请 at the gracious invitation of ...

诚挚的欢迎 earnest welcome

持续增长 sustained growth

崇高事业 noble cause

筹委会 the organizing committee

答谢宴会return banquet

代表…… on behalf of ...

我愿借此机会I would like to take this opportunity to

奠基典礼foundation laying ceremony

殿下Your / His / Her Highness / Excellency / Royal Highness

东道国host country

发表热情讲话 deliver/make a warm speech

峰会 summit

富有成效的访问 a rewarding / productive visit

高层领导人 top government official

阁下Your / His / Her Honor / Excellency

共同繁荣 common prosperity

光辉里程碑 brilliant landmark

贵宾 distinguished guest

欢迎词 welcome speech / address

回顾过去 look back on / in retrospect

