在医疗灵媒——西芹汁:在我们这个时代,治愈全球数百万人的最强大的药物中,作者分享了产生这些眼部问题的真正原因,以及近200种的症状,同时也分享了西芹汁如何帮助您解决这些问题。在下面的摘录中,我们总结了一些人遇到的眼睛问题以及西芹汁如何辅助治疗这些问题。如需完整解释上述眼部疾病的确切原因,请阅读Medical Medium Celery Juice。
In Medical Medium Celery Juice: The Most Powerful Medicine of Our Time Healing Millions Worldwide, I share the true causes of these eye problems and almost 200 other symptoms and conditions. I also share how celery juice can help you with these conditions. In the below excerpt, I provide a summary of the reasons someone can experience eye problems and how celery juice supports these issues to heal. For a full explanation of the exact cause of the eye conditions mentioned above, please read Medical Medium Celery Juice.
How Celery Juice Helps Heal Eye Problems
'When we think about eating for eye health, we often think about vitamin A and orange and red pigments—beta-carotene and carotenoids—as being helpful for the eyes. What’s even better are antioxidants from foods such as berries: the blues in wild blueberries, for example, and the deep colors of raspberries and blackberries. It would be hard to believe, then, that celery juice can do even better than these rich pigments. And yet it can.
Eye health is compromised by toxins that medical research and science aren’t aware are interfering. Toxic heavy metals are some of the most antagonistic troublemakers for the eyes. Traces of mercury can easily enter into someone’s eye from metal amalgam dental fillings alone. (Although be careful about getting metal fillings removed. That can release mercury, too—read more in Medical Medium.) There’s also mercury in our water, mercury in our fish, and we’re exposed to mercury from generations before us, because we inherit it through our family blood line. That’s how the majority of mercury enters into our eyes—passed down from our ancestors through sperm and egg (and also in utero) for generation after generation. It’s not the disease itself coming from family members; it’s this heavy metal. Degenerative eye diseases of all kinds have mercury involved, even if medical research and science are decades from realizing this. Heavy metals are behind mysterious blindness that’s considered genetic; cells inside our eyes that are responsible for vision get saturated with corrosive aluminum byproduct that’s a result of interactions with mercury.
Another annoying nuisance factor for eye health is viral activity. Someone can have herpes simplex activity for years, and it can eventually affect the eyes. Simplex 1, shingles varieties, many different EBV varieties, cytomegalovirus, and HHV-6 are all candidates for producing antagonistic toxins and byproduct that slowly degrade the retina or other parts of the eye.
Celery juice is one of the most powerful foods for vision and restoration of the eyes. In this area, it equals and even surpasses the wild blueberry, which is the only other food on Planet Earth that has the power to protect your eyes to this degree. Wild blueberries help the eyes because of their antioxidants. With celery juice, one reason why it’s healing people is that it helps remove toxic copper from the body. Sodium cluster salts contain trace minerals that are critical for the eyes, including trace zinc and trace copper. The trace mineral zinc shuts down any kind of viral activity around and inside the eye, even along the optic nerve, while the trace mineral copper binds onto toxic copper and helps loosen and dislodge it so it floats out of the eye, into the bloodstream, and eventually out of the body. The trace zinc also helps interrupt reactions of mercury and aluminum that lead to corrosion and degenerative eye disease.
Vitamin C from celery juice enters the eye hitched on to the sodium cluster salts. While the cluster salts help renew and restore eye tissue, vitamin C can enter cells with them. Almost anyone with any eye problem of any kind has a deficiency in vitamin C because almost anyone with an eye problem has a liver problem. A liver that’s sluggish, stagnant, overburdened, or dysfunctional means that it’s unable to customize the vitamin C that enters it—unable to methylate it properly to make it more bioavailable and accessible for the rest of the body. Celery juice’s vitamin C provides an instant infusion for the eye cells, sustaining them and helping them reverse or at least halt the advance of disease. Neurons in the brain that send signals to the optic nerve also rely on celery juice’s sodium cluster salts because of the improvement to neurotransmitters that they bring. This alone can assist with a multitude of eye symptoms, from basic to extreme.'