艺术一点:小尾修Osamu Obi 人体艺术绘画,日本人文气息很重!

小尾 修

osamu obi1965  神奈川県生まれ

1988  武蔵野美術大学造形学部油絵学科卒業

1990  武蔵野美術大学大学院造形研究科油絵コース終了

1991  セントラル美術館油絵大賞展大賞受賞(東京セントラル美術館)

1993  安井賞展出品

1996  日韓洋画家交流展(横浜 ソウル)

1999  白日会文部大臣奨励賞受賞

2004  第6回前田寛冶大賞展準大賞受賞(日本橋高島屋?倉吉美術館)

2005  第2回存在の美学(高島屋各店)

2006  白日会内閣総理大臣賞受賞

2009  ざ?てわざ展(日本橋三越)

2010  存在の美学(伊達市噴火湾文化研究所同人展)招待出品

2010-2011 文化庁新進芸術家海外派遣制度研修員として1年間パリにて研修

2012  第2回存在の美学( 伊達市噴火湾文化研究所同人展)招待出品



1999  春風洞画廊(東京)

2007  KIAF 2007(ソウル 春風洞画廊ブース)

現在、 武蔵野美術大学非常勤講師

Osamu Obi

1965  Born in Kanagawa, Japan

1988  Graduated from Musashino Art University (Department of Oil Painting)

1990  Completed Master's Degree Program in Oil Painting, Musashino Art University

1991  Exhibition of Grand Prize Paintings, Tokyo Central Museum. Awarded Grand Prize.

1993  Participated in Yasui Prize Exhibition

1996  Participated in Exchange Exhibition between South Korean and Japanese Oil Painters(Yokohama & Seoul )

1999  Hakujitsukai Art Exhibition, Incentive Award of Minister of Education

2004  6th Kanji Maeda Grand Prize Exhibition, Semi-grand-prix

(Takashimaya Nihonbashi, Kurayoshi Museum)

2005  2nd Beauty of Existence Exhibition (Takashimaya, Tokyo and other places)

2006  Hakujitsukai Art Exhibition, The Prime Minister Award

2009  'The Tewaza' Exhibition (Mitsukoshi Nihonbashi)

2010  Beauty of Existence Exhibition (Takashimaya, Tokyo and other places)

Scheduled to study in Paris for a year under the Japanese Government Overseas

Study Programme for Artists

2012  Beauty of Existence Exhibition (Takashimaya, Tokyo and other places)

'The Tewaza' Exhibition (Mitsukoshi Nihonbashi)

Solo Exhibition

1999  Shunpudo Gallery (Tokyo)

2007  KIAF 2007 (Seoul  Shunpudo Gallery Booth)

Adjunct Instructor of Musashino Art University

