
《3分钟学雅思》2019第六季 往期回顾
3分钟学雅思· 第6季 ·第4期
爆竹声中一岁除,春风送暖入屠苏,新的一年又到了,在这里,给大家拜年啦!!每年多年年货必定是少不了的, 一大堆的红灯笼节后大家都是如何处理的呢,我们新一季的雅思口语出了这样一道题: “Describe something you have bought but seldom use.” 正好是我们给老外科普一下中国新年的好机会,那今天,我们就来一起学习关于新年的相关表达吧!
∨《3分钟学雅思》第六季 第4期 点击观看

Describe something you have bought but seldom use.
You should say:
What it is
Where you bought it
Why you bought it
And explain why you didn’t use it.
Every year, Chinese families would prepare lots of ornaments, like Chinese lanterns and paper-cuts to celebrate the Chinese new year. The red ornament stuff will be on sale as the Chinese Spring Festival draws nearer, Just like Christmas time in many other countries. As Chinese new year approaches, homes, businesses, shopping centers, and offices are decorated in their holiday best.
A sea of red and gold, bright lanterns and auspicious plants and flowers are the hallmarks of the season, heralding the arrival of the largest and most important festival of the year. So instead of shiny red Christmas baubles we have shiny red lanterns to “deck the halls”. We use these traditional decorations during the season which also carry some symbolic meaning to add the festive touches. Bright red lanterns perhaps are the most popular way to add that spark to the celebrations. You see them popping up everywhere around town, the temples, the stores, homes and parks. They come in all sorts of shapes, sizes and colors, and they also have become a symbol of Chinese culture. They represent vitality and prosperity for Chinese people. We use it to decorate the entrance to the room, put them up in the living room or near the main door as well as the entrance of schools or classrooms. But usually I’ll hang them for about a month just for the festival and I would store them in the basement for further use next year to reduce waste if they are still in fine condition.
1. ornament n. 小挂件儿,装饰物
2. auspicious adj. 吉祥的,吉利的
3. herald v. 预示,预兆
4. deck the hall 装饰大厅,点缀华堂
5. symbolic meaning 象征意义,寓意