巴西单日新冠死亡病例超四千 | 时事外刊

Brazil has recorded more than 4,000 Covid- related deaths in 24 hours for the first time, as a more contagious variant fuels a surge in cases.
Hospitals are overcrowded, with people dying as they wait for treatment in some cities,
and the health system is on the brink of collapse in many areas.
The country's total death toll is now almost 337,000, second only to the US.
To date, Brazil has recorded more than 13 million cases of coronavirus, according to the health ministry.
Some 66,570 people died with Covid-19 in March, more than double the previous monthly record.
"If Brazil is not under control, then the planet is not going to be safe,
because we are brewing new variants every week... and they are going to cross borders,"
Dr Miguel Nicolelis, who has been closely tracking cases in the country.
Miguel Nicolelis博士一直 在密切追踪该国病例。
But President Jair Bolsonaro continues to oppose any lockdown measures to curb the outbreak.
President Jair Bolsonaro argues that the damage to the economy would be worse than the effects of the virus itself,
and has tried to reverse some of the restrictions imposed by local authorities in the courts.
"The fact is the anti-lockdown narrative ofPresident Jair Bolsonaro has won," Miguel Lago, executive director of Brazil's Institute for Health Policy Studies, told the AssociatedPress.
巴西卫生政策研究所执行主任Miguel Lago对美联社表示,实际上总统雅伊尔●梅西亚斯●博索纳罗的反封锁言论占据了上风。
Epidemiologist Ethel Maciel said Brazil was in a "dreadful situation",
流行病学家Ethel Maciel表示,巴西的情况“非常糟糕”。
"At the rate we're vaccinating... the only way to slow the extremely fast spread of the virus is an effective lockdown for at least 20 days."
他说,“按照我们接种疫苗的速度....缓病毒极快传 播速度的唯一方法是实施至少20天的有效封锁。
92 variants of coronavirus has been detected in the country, including the P.1, or Brazil variant.
This has become a cause for concern because it is thought to be much more contagious.
Experts fear the proliferation of the Brazil variant will mean increasing cases for several months.
