
前段时间在朋友圈,看到了叔本华的这段文字(中文版本)叔本华:不经历逆境,不能完全了解自己 ,大概读了五六遍,也在今年读完了他的《人生的智慧》 中文翻译版本, 既然如此喜欢,小编自行翻译(为英文),当作一篇学习素材。也当作一篇思考笔记吧。








阿图尔·叔本华(Arthur Schopenhauer,1788-1860)是德国唯心主义的代表人物之一,在哲学史上有重要的地位。他的文章也是德语文学的上乘之作。


You cannot know yourself completely till you have known adversity


When we are at ease in our lives, we should not forget that we are in the gloomy ,depressing dilemma in which we don't know what to do, so as to teach us how to act correctly; When we are enjoying the good times, the melancholy, the dreary, the confused predicament should teach us to be modest and prudent.


for we generally judge ourselves according to our best moments; And when we are weak and dull and confused, we see it as not being who we really are. 


Remembering the difficulties and the difficulties of the time will teach us to be humble and tolerant


The expectation of the world, mostly from the fantasy of youth


Careless young people may think that the world is all about having fun, as if the world were truly full of happiness. however, It is precisely  these people who do not have happiness, because their intelligence is not enough to make them overcome the difficulties on the road of life .


when he read the poetic works of romanticism, the idea is firmly rooted in the heart, in fact, he was cheated by the phenomenon of the outside world, the world has a complete hypocrisy


his life more or less always seek the real happiness; And what he understands as happiness is a series of certain pleasures in the pursuit of which he encounters danger


Aware of the mischief of fate, but no chance of a second times 


Men hunt for prey that does not exist, suffer real miseries, suffering, poverty, illness, failure, scarcity, sorrow, shame, and all the other hardships of life.


He finally saw through the trick that had bewitched him but it was too late


If you don't see cause and effect, you haven't gone far enough


Just as a hiker on a high mountain can only get a comprehensive view by looking down the winding road beneath him ,


 so it is only after a certain stage in the journey of life that we can see the true connection between all our actions and know exactly what we have done and what we have achieved


Only then will we understand the precise chain of cause and effect and the value of all our efforts.


You can't ignore your emotions


As long as we are immersed in the daily trifles of life, we can only act according to our own nature, always subject to the dictates of our emotions or the limits of our abilities


We are bound from beginning to end by the laws of nature, and we are always doing things which we think is right all the time. 


It is only later, when we look back on the journey and its overall outcome, that we finally understand the full mystery in it.


Honest with yourself 


We each see a mirror reflect ourselves, in which we clearly catch sight of sins of our shortcomings or all sorts of bad. Even so, most of us act like dogs in the mirror, which means we think it's not us, but another dog, yell at the mirror.


visible , but never get.


Those who hope for the future, and strive for it, and live only in it, are impatient for that which is yet to come, as if it was something which is can get happiness from it directly, although those people are extremely intelligent and magnanimous.


Strictly speaking, they were only donkeys,  ridden under peole. Looking at the straw in front of them, supported by a rush of hope that they would eventually get the straw, and rushing after the thing that was always right in front of them, and which they had been trying to get


That thing was always right in front of them, and they were always trying to get it


Settle in the present moment


We should neither be restless,expecting and  anxious about the future, nor should we dwell on regrets over the past. Instead, we should remember that the present is the only certainty. The future has invariably disappointed our hopes; In short, neither the future nor the past is as good as we can imagine. 


The same object is smaller to the naked eye because of the distance between them, but the mind can imagine it to be much larger


Only now is it true; It is the only rich reality, it is in this unique moment, our existence is true


therefore, we should be always full of joy, for it with due welcome to it, and enjoy every moment of happiness, and  we can get rid of the pain and trouble under the  fully realize the value of it . 


We will not be able to do this if we fret about the prospects of the future and frustrated about the hopes of the past.


Each has its own scenery, we  need not envy others


Human's joy and happiness, often can be compared with the woods: from a distance, feel beautiful, but, if we walk into the inside, the beauty will disappear, which can no longer to be found .why we often envy others, this is the reason



Life is full of uncertainty; There is so much pain, and so much peril, in all things, that a safe and happy voyage of life can be accomplished only by a careful mastery of the course, and by avoiding the hidden rocks and treacherous shoals.


In general, the fear of what we know about evil forces us into the opposite evil 


for example, the pain of loneliness drives us into loneliness; We trade an act of fear for an act of rashness, and so on.


To avoid an evil, and rush to its opposite; A lack of thought and recklessness in making decisions about highly uncertain events.



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