一文了解水稻生长模型三十年来进展以及未来研究方向Feet in the water Hands o...


题目:Feet in the water and hands on the keyboard: A critical retrospective of crop modelling at AfricaRice

期刊:Field Crops Research

关键词:RIDEV ;ORYZA2000 ;Crop calendars ;Transpirational cooling ;Climate change




Fig. 1. Comparisons of simulations with the calibrated RIDEV V2 model with observations on crop duration (top) and spikelet sterility (center), and separa-tion of simulated chilling and heat effects on sterility (bottom); for Sahel 108 rice planted at different dates at Ndiaye, Senegal. Field data courtesy of ORYTAGE project (Cirad) and the Ph.D. thesis of Dr. Sabine Stürz (Hohenheim University). Model parameters: Tbase, base temperature; Topt, optimum temperature; PPexp / PPsens, exponentiality and sensitivity of day length response; SUMbvb / SUMrepr / SUMmatu, thermal duration of basic vegetative, repro-ductive and maturation phases, respectively; CritSterCold1 / CritSterCold2, thermal interval of sterility response to cold; CritSterHeat, critical panicle temperature for heat sterility; SterBase, baseline unexplained spikelet sterility.

Fig. 2. A: Variation of filled grain weight distribution of Jaya rice based on 500 randomly taken grains, as affected by sowing date. Hot conditions reduced grain weight homogenously whereas chilling caused heterogeneous grain filling. B: Relationship between relative kernel weight (fraction of reference weight under stress free conditions) and mean minimum air temperature during grain filling, for 5 cvs. incl. Jaya. Data were used to simulate kernel weight in ORYZAS according to a broken-stick model (straight lines). Ndiaye, Senegal rice garden trial 1993. Reprinted/adapted by permission from Springer Nature: Kluwer Academic Publishers, Applications of Systems Approaches at the Field Level, Potential yield of irrigated rice in African arid environments, by Dingkuhn and Sow © 1997.

Fig. 3. A: Relationship between panicle-air temperature difference (Tp-Ta) and relative air humidity for Sahel 108 rice in 3 environments. B: Relationship between plant-air temperature difference and air vapor pressure difference (VPD) across the environments (grey symbols, panicles; black symbols, leaves). C: Comparison of RIDEV V2 and IM2PACT model predictions of Tp-Ta.

Fig. 4. Predicted panicle temperature under varied air temperature and vapor pressure deficit (VPD) condition as calculated from the equation in Fig. 3B. The boxed values indicate the observed range of conditions observed in Senegal and the Philippines by Julia (2013, thesis data).

Fig. 5. Simulated potential yield (solid lines for means of 10 years and points for individual years, 1970-1979) and seed-to-seed crop duration (broken lines) as a function of sowing date for rice cv. Jaya on a climatic gradient (four sites) along the Senegal river, using ORYZAS model. Locally recommended months of sowing are enhanced with circles. Reprinted/adapted by permission from Springer Nature: Kluwer Academic Publishers, Applications of Systems Approaches at the Field Level, Potential yield of irrigated rice in African arid environments, by Dingkuhn and Sow © 1997.

Fig. 6. Brief history of rice models.

Fig. 7. Results of a sensitivity analysis on combinations of soil parameters on simulated rice yields. Yw is the water-limited rough rice yield at 14 % moisture content, averaged over simulations in multiple years in 29 stations across Africa. Table S1 in the supporting material provides details on the soil parameters used.

Fig. 8. Relationship between flag leaf (top) and panicle (bottom) temperature vs. air temperature at 2 m for irrigated rice during flowering, confounding different sites, seasons, times of day and genotypes. Underlying study was published by Julia and Dingkuhn (2012 & 2013). IR imagery data were re-analysed from Ph.D. thesis by C. Julia, Montpellier, France 2013.


