Abstract example
Environmental non-profit organizations in the UK currently face a significant funding gap. 【问题陈述:第一句话确定了研究的主题和主要问题。这个问题将引导文章的目的和研究问题。】Research has shown that donation intention is influenced by campaign messaging strategies, and that representations of individual victims are generally more effective than appeals based on abstract concepts like climate change.【背景:文中还对学术背景进行了简要总结,以显示研究的相关性。】This study aims to determine how environmental organizations can target fundraising campaigns to increase donations. 【目标:接下来,阐述了研究的具体目标。】Building on existing work on targeted fundraising, it asks: To what extent does a potential donor's social distance from climate change victims in fundraising campaigns affect their intention to make a donation? 【研究问题:主题在主要研究问题中进一步缩小,这恰好表明了研究的目的。】In this context, social distance is defined as the extent to which people feel they are in the same social group (in-group) or another social group (out-group) in relation to climate change victims.【定义:如果你的摘要使用了一般学术读者不熟悉的专业术语,或者有各种不同的含义,请给出一个简明的定义。】Based on a review of the literature on donation intention and theories of social distance, an online survey was distributed to potential donors based across the UK. Respondents were randomly divided into two conditions (large and small social distance) and asked to respond to one of two sets of fundraising material.【方法:接下来是对用于回答研究问题的方法的简要描述。】 Analysis of the responses demonstrated that large social distance was associated with stronger donation intentions than small social distance. 【结果:总结了最重要的结果。】The results indicate that social distance does have an impact on donation intention. On this basis, it is recommended that environmental organizations use social distance as a key factor in designing and targeting their campaigns. Further research is needed to identify other factors that could strengthen the effectiveness of these campaigns.【结论:最后,阐述了本研究的主要结论,直接回答了研究问题和目的。由于本研究关注的是一个实际问题,因此也包含了一些建议。】