中国黄金周 给世界带来商机
背景音乐:梁邦彦 - Kingdom of Light

A week-long national holiday in China is providing a much-needed boost for the entertainment and retail industry in London, with Chinese tourists taking advantage of the dip in exchange rates.
China's National Day Golden Week holiday is arguably one of the biggest events in the consumer calendar. Now halfway through its duration, the spending power of 1.4 billion Chinese has been unleashed on the world's entertainment and tourism industries.
South China Morning Post/南华早报:
For those travelling overseas, Thailand topped the list of international destinations, followed by Japan, Singapore and Vietnam.
Hong Kong, traditionally popular with mainland visitors, was just sixth on the list of offshore destinations, followed by Taiwan.
Countries in Southeast Asia and Japan will likely be the top beneficiaries of Chinese outbound travel during Golden Week this year, while South Korea will likely end up losing out on some Chinese tourist spending.
For cities around the world, China’s booming tourist industry offers enormous commercial opportunity. Already China sends more travelers abroad than any other country, and there’s huge room for further growth: only about 4% of Chinese citizens hold passports, compared to about 35% in the U.S.
Chinese tourists spent $215 billion abroad last year, 53% more than in 2014, according to a report from the World Travel & Tourism Council. Goldman Sachs estimates that figure will surge to $450 billion by 2025.

boost 推动
dip 下降
exchange rate 汇率
arguably 可以说
duration 持续的时间
spending power 消费力
unleash 释放
offshore 离岸的
beneficiary 受益者
outbound travel 出境旅游
lose out on 失去
spending 花费;开销
surge 剧增;汹涌

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