首发 | JLa设计集团 · 国韵之序,书写空间的法度


书法不仅为中国艺术提供了美学鉴赏的基础,而且代表了一种万物有灵的原则。—— 林语堂

Calligraphy not only provides the basis for aesthetic appreciation of Chinese art, but also represents an animistic principle.——Lin yutang


From hieroglyphs to inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells, to five calligraphy types written on bamboo slips and rice paper, juts one Chinese character is more than enough to give a glimpse of profound cultural and aesthetic history.

To jump out of the accustomed aesthetic thinking, but to source the past for culture, there are always constant inspirations. For this project, it finds design elements from calligraphy to start an exploration about inheritance through space.


The project is located in Jingyue District, Changchun, with abundant resources from surrounding universities. To extend the name of the project “Long View”, and the rhyme of Chinese calligraphy, it traces the source but develops something new. It introduces lighting, line, structure and sequence to interact with each other, so as to interpret the beauty of Chinese calligraphy in terms of its strength and rhythm, and to endow the space with a sense of cultural experience.


The minimalist, pure white building facade endows the building with vitality and artistic sense.


It has glass curtain wall to set off the waterscape, which directs to the entrance and shows the natural integration of humanity and nature.


As the carrier of calligraphy, rice paper gives space tension and creation inspiration. At the entrance, in the circular patio, there is an art installation made of inscribed rice paper, which goes through to the children's book area on the second floor. With imitated sound of turning scattered pages while reading, it defines the atmosphere of sales office and the prologue of the space for exploration.


The large scale front desk made of marble highlights the spatial style and increases the visual level with material. Brush style embellishes reception hall throughout, creating a bookish atmosphere.


It is long and narrow for the reception, but after a turn, one has the line of sight become wide and cheerful. It employs the way of setting, a view-framing approach, to break physical limitations of the place and to shape progressive visual view. It is totally another world inside the cambered place, with transparent fiber glass as the surface layer and rice paper inside to bring out a sense of modesty.


Jingyue District is located in a natural watershed of Guangmao, Changchun's mother River, it enjoys a clean and clear view, with crescent moon shape to break the enclosed sense and to function as a picture frame for the outdoor view. It extends the outdoor view to interior by classic garden approach of view-borrowing, with nature and lighting to strengthen to atmosphere.


The hollow viewing platform is set above the sand table as an art corridor, bringing excellent overlooking view. The brown block breaks through the shackles, creates a feeling of outdoor in the interior, and broadens the original boundary of the space.


It continues the Chinese calligraphy elements for the soft design. After several modeling and experiments in 3D, it uses dazzling acrylics to make an art installation device nearly 30-meters in high. It shapes like unfolding bamboo slips. While it is dancing with light, it annotates a gesture of eternal civilization deep down in the sea of books.


In the long history of Development, Chinese calligraphy has gradually formed a set of systematic theoretical techniques, the wonderful feature of Chinese calligraphy is in the strokes that reflect one’s free mind.

| 设计概念


Once the famous calligrapher Sun Guoting in Tang Dynasty said: "Vertical and horizontal strokes are called to make, hook and bends are said to turn".


It takes this as the inspiration for the spatial layout: to start just as the writing, it makes the balcony as the vertical stroke, the water bar as the horizontal. With the bamboo wood veneer in continuous application and a high void space, it then turns a circle round to create a magnificent sense, which brings out the rhythm of the space.

Light falls perfectly through the linear skylight to the warm leather sofa, singing in harmony with the natural light introduced by the glass curtain wall. It is a metrical poem of strokes in Chinese calligraphy.
考虑到来访者不同的年龄段,兼顾儿童的体验感受,软装设计以东北四大神兽之一——兔崽子为原型,打造 "发财兔" 原创IP,文字游戏串联空间体验路线。

Taking into account the different ages of visitors and the experience of children, the soft outfit design is based on the prototype of rabbit, one of the four great gods in northeast China, to create the original IP of Fortune Rabbit , and the space experience route in series of word games.

| 原创IP “发财兔” 手稿
从接待前台开始,"发财兔" 化身小导游,在它的带领下,以文字游戏的形式,了解场所蕴藏的文化内涵。

Starting from the reception desk, Fortune Rabbit becomes a little guide, under its leadership, in the form of word games, to understand the cultural connotation of the place.


In the show area, a Fortune Rabbit is the highlight: sitting on the block in mortise and tenon joint structure with its crossing legs, it encourages innocent children to explore through the vivid dimensional modeling scene in this space.


There are books, plant specimens and Jin-type font in 3D-print on the counter in the lounge. It is set to be a communication place for culture and art, children can scan the QR code from the 3D printed fonts for more knowledge, such as ancient poems and the development of Chinese characters, an interesting way for interacting even more.

The children's area on the second floor, it has the dandelion shape device to connect negotiation area, which is an installation art device to interpret Chinese characters and to allow children to bath in the bubble pool with Chinese characters, while adults can trace back and find the most primitive perception of life again.

From modern time era to contemporary, traditional Chinese culture always has certain way to work on the way of life living and aesthetic precepting. However, by bearing in mind the cultural context, the closer we look, the further we can go.

| 爆炸图

| 1F平面图

| 2F平面图


所  在 地|吉林省长春市净月区





项目面积|1062 sq.m

竣工时间|2021年 8月


设计内容|空间 软装 装置 IP定制



软装设计|JLa闳雅堂(Vermillion Gift)




品牌推广 | JLa品牌部

空间摄影 | 早慧

项目视频 | 广州里外视觉影像


主要选材 | 水磨石、木饰面、纤维玻璃、肌理拉槽艺术涂料

JLa设计集团 (JAMES LIANG & ASSOCIATES LIMITED)由香港著名设计师梁曦文先生,于1989年在香港创立。“自律与尊重”是JLa的发展之道,集团经营主体涵盖:城市规划与建筑设计、室内装饰设计、软装陈设、公共艺术四大版块。


JLa 设 计 集 团 推 荐 案 例



茂名中寰广场 售楼部

DINZ 德 网 近 期 热 文

MZ美致设计 | 多弗 · 山河一品35#别墅样板房

明雾创作 | GOBLIN品牌形象店

曼图设计 | 淮海公寓

馥高设计 | 天镜澜庭接待中心



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