巴夏Bashar  做个【完整】的人

Being a Whole Person
Physical mind and expanded mind functionas a whole person. Before incarnating each of you made a choice toexperience physical reality on the template level,where you lay out a template, a blueprint, an automatic function,to allow you to function in physical reality. Once thetemplate is established, consciousness passes through it –consolidating down. Because of this you take on consensusreality. It is like putting on the equipment to go deep seadiving.
The vibrational link between thespiritual and the physical develops during the first few years upto the age of 7. Individuals who die very young may decideto leave very easily crib death, abortion, miscarriage .They onlywant a small taste of physical reality. Nothing goes towaste. It serves the spiritual purpose. As the embryonic structurecrystallizes the personality structure begins to form Prismatic template. Beliefs, thought structure Personality can be malleable but itis designed according to the chosentheme.
The child will absorb telepathic inputfrom its parents and society. The child may absorb belief systemsin order to later make a choice. Comparison of self to beliefsystems to decide what is desired. Something to compare selfagainst. Parents serve the purpose by having chosen beliefsthat may show you who you are not.
From consciousness level we create aduality: Template for physical mind and template for expanded mind.The two make you a whole person. Higher or expanded mindacts as a liaison between physical mind and higher levels. Expandedmind stays on the template level but helpsphysical mind who goes deep sea diving. It stays so to speak on theboat and guides the person that is diving. Trust in yourexpanded mind because it can see further!
Diving deeply into physical causescreative desire, desire for love, and alsodisconnection.
The template has a seed however thaturges you to reconnect with the higher mind. When a person feelsincomplete they are looking for their connection with theexpanded mind. Looking for the connection manifests in many ways:Need for another person, food, many other things.Sometimes these other things are mis-interpreted as thereconnection.
The ego structure keeps you focused inphysical reality. The ego reinforces belief systems – that are partof the template. The ego’s job is to add energy to thebelief. It amplifies beliefs and keeps you focused. When there isdisconnection the ego structure can forget that it is not incharge. 
Fear results from the egothinking that it is in charge. It starts to do things that it wasnot designed to do. It becomes extremely crystallized. The amount ofenergy the ego puts into fear-based beliefs is almost overwhelming.The ego takes on the burden of survival.
Now is the timing that enough of you areseeking the light to give momentum and to understand that the egocan be taught that it will not be annihilated ifyou communicate with your expanded mind.
The physical personality is not designedto know how something happens. It can not read the template that theexpanded mind sees. Allow your expanded mind to bring it to you inthe way that is best for the whole person. Physical mindsees how it is happening. If you are using the physical mind todecide how something happens you are going throughlife half-witted.
Imagination is the link to and from theexpanded mind.
If ego thinks it is in charge it willshut the door to the imagination. Many have said, visualize, createa mock-up. This is a good thing to do. It is only arepresentation. When the ego structure makes a vision it tends tothink that vision is the highest possible manifestation. Expandedmind can go much further. What is the ceiling for the physical mindis the floor to the higher mind. Vision is the template.Expanded mind will take the template  itunderstands template language itwill reach out to all of the things that it seesas available. When the physical mind does not act on thesynchronistic opportunities coming from the higher mind,the expanded mind may become invisible. Don’t insist a thing mustmanifest the way you think because your expandedmind may bring something much better.
How do we know thedifference?  Excitement. Passion.
Pay attention to the true feelings. Thisrequires a modicum of willingness to tell the ego to shut the hell up . Stopand wonder whether or not you are being shownsomething from the ego or expanded self. You will be able to tellthe difference between anxiety (ego) andexcitement (expanded self). Find your space of peace so you can usethat natural balance to tell you the flavor of theemotion. You will know whether it is representative of fear orexcitement. You need quietude. You need to be able to not knowand make that ok. When you do not know you find the stillness thatwill give  you the capability of knowing whether it isfrom the higher mind or physical mind.
The natural senses you were created with, will fill the quiet. In the quiet you will hearthe little whispered voices. Itmay take some time to gain discernment. Pacifyyour ego. Form a more loving relationship with your expanded mindby forming a more loving relationship withyour ego. Balance in this relationship allows you to function as awhole person.
(佛教有八识说,九识说。结合巴夏传递的意识9个层次以及此篇的信息,第七识末那识,疑似这里说的EGO自我。而佛家说,转第七末那识,为“平等”智,此文中使用的是英文“Balance”,含义很相似。从这里,也能看出,在内心里有多少个“自我”,因为每个部分都有一个自我保护意识,头脑思想是一个,EGO一个,扩展心智一个,每天我们内心都淹没在头脑思想和EGO小我的叽叽咕咕里。是时候安静下来了。将它们融合为一体,做一个完整的人。 ---译者注)
Bashar June 29, 2009 in Mental-Tools
巴夏  2009年6月29日思维工具箱
版权所有:Bashar Channeled by Darryl Anka 巴夏 经由 达里尔安卡 传送
