槽点话题|How do I make the most out of my college experience

How do I make the most out of my college experience?


In the first night of college, I took a shower in the group bathroom. And I came out in my towel, and there was a girl walking down the hall with a giant teddy bear. And she just looked at me. I was just in my towel. And she said “Hi!” to me and gave me a hug. And I was just in my towel in the first night of college. And I called my mom, “I want to go home, Mom! I don't like it here!” Your whole college isn’t weird, like, you know? You just got to make the most of it.


When there's nothing in the fridge, your best friend which every college student can relate to is Cup O’Noodles. You take two of those, and then you put mac and cheese in the middle. And I ate that, and luckily I didn't have a heart attack. But it was delicious.



Go in with an open mind. You're going to learn so much, meet so many new friends.


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My fondest memories are not necessarily what was being taught but the activities and the people that went alongside it.


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Say yes to every offer and opportunity.


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Have fun and participate in study groups.


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Get involved with as much stuff as you can. Be active on campus, because after which, real life hits and you're paying for bills.


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When I went to college, it was the beginning of computers, believe it or not. Laptops and technology, like a computer—you know, that’s the things that you must have in college.


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Really, start to think independently.


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Be nice to your professors. Be nice to them, because it’s really different from high school. For instance, they actually care more about teaching. And if you're nice to the professors, sometimes the grades are a little more flexible.


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I think it’s all about time management.


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Balance the study and fun. You first have to figure out what are your priorities.


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Work your butt off four, five days out of the week. And then the two, three days that you're able to relax—you need to go balls to the wall.


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Don’t study hard every weekend. You need to learn how to balance. You know, don't go out the night before you have a test.


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One thing that we did was we buried a time capsule. 10 years later, at a bachelor party, when one of us got married, we went back to dig it up. But we couldn't find the thing. All of us, whenever we get together, we always talk about, (hushed) “We’re gonna go back and find that thing.”


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★ 编辑:刘亚南,有书英语共读负责人,85后

★ 设计:刘莹,内心永远18岁的小狮子,良珠度寸,虽有白仞之水,不能掩其莹

★ 编校:武晓娇,英语语言文学专业硕士研究生








