Brexit: 不甘寂寞的英文生出许多新词


What’s the reason why UK broke up with EU? The reason is either the conflicts between both parties or the secession of inner UK that we don’t care. Nevertheless, people all around the world start taking great interest in British politics. Now, come with me to play around with the following “Brexit” soap opera.




Lately, Brexit has caught our eyes and Brexit comes into being which is a clipping word derived from British exits from the EU. Obviously, Brexit has been the latest and hottest word in financial market which inevitably reminded us of the former Grexit which generated from Greek exits from the EU. At the same time, another word of Bremain emerged as the opposite which came from British remains in the US. Pathetically, Bremain has been overwhelmed by Brexit.

最近英国脱欧刷爆大家的眼球,"Brexit" (British exits from the EU,“英国从欧盟退出”的缩写)应运而生,俨然成为金融市场的最新潮词,不免让大家想起曾经的希腊脱欧"Grexit"(Greek exits from the EU,即“希腊从欧元区退出”的缩写)。与之同时,应运而生的Bremain(British remains in the EU,既“英国留在欧盟”的缩写),只不过现在已经被Brexit淹没!


1 Brexit


After the Brexit vote, a lot of discussions are arose in EU.


2 Bremain


We still think that GBP/JPY is likely to appreciate the most strongly under a “Bremain” scenario.



Does Brexit make a difference to Chinese people? Of course, it has great impact on certain people especially. For example, Li Kai-shing the richest businessman of Asia, who could hardly afford to purchase half of the UK, invests in UK. As a result of Brexit, Lee’s assets are rapidly reducing because of British pounds’ plunge in short term. At the same time, Brexit is a thunderclap to those undergraduates who are preparing for their theses painstakingly and diligently. One of the most heartbreaking theses is  the Integration of UK and EU. For the common people, it doesn't matter much. However, if your pocket is very full at this moment, you can just fly to UK and purchase what you like!



3 Regrexit Regrexit是在Brexit的基础上衍生出来的,是regret和exit两个词结合而成,意即“后悔离开”,在这里我们也可以直接用“悔脱”来表示。 一位网友正式宣布6月25日为“悔脱日”:



4 Grexit Grexit: Greece + exit (希落)

5 Italeave Italeave:Italy + leave (意大离)

6 Fruckoff Fruckoff:France + off (法客)

7 Finish Finish:Finland + finish (芬完)

8 Byegium Byegium:bye + Belgium (拜利时)

9 Germanlonely 而最终欧盟留下的独苗德国也变成了 Germanlonely:Germany + lonely (德一只)

10 See EU later See EU later: see you later (再见欧盟)

11 Europill Europill:European的谐音 (欧盟药丸)。不过,最有才的要数Scotlond(Scotland+London)。在结果公布后,很多苏格兰人非常失望,表示要重启苏格兰独立、加入欧盟的进程。很多人还畅想苏格兰和这次同样选择留欧的伦敦一起独立,成立一个新的国家:苏格伦。

12 Scotlond

Scotlond:Scotland+London (苏格伦)


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☞ 编辑:刘亚南,英语共读负责人,85后。

☞ 编校:陈珺洁


《Zero to One》涉及哲学、历史、经济等多元领域,解读世界运行的脉络,分享商业与未来发展的落实。该书将帮助我们思考从0到1的秘密,在意想不到之处发现价值与机会。

值得关注的是,这本Zero to One》绝非学术讨论或者思想大师们的论战,自问世起,它的影响就迅速超越了投资圈,在美国亚马逊图书畅销总榜上跻身前列。

