

With any severely injured patient, the first step is to make sure that the airway is clear and ventilation is unimpaired. Resuscitation must be started immediately and active bleeding controlled. The patient is rapidly examined for multiple injuries and, if necessary, painful fractures are splinted. A single anteroposterior x-ray of the pelvis is obtained.

A more careful examination is then carried out, paying attention to the pelvis, the abdomen, the perineum and the rectum. The urethral meatus is inspected for signs of bleeding. The lower limbs are examined for signs of nerve injury.

If the patient’s general condition is stable, further x-rays can then be obtained. If a urethral tear is suspected, an urethrogram is gently performed. The findings up to that stage may dictate the need for an intravenous urogram.

By now the examining doctor will have a good idea of the patient’s general condition, the extent of the pelvic injury, the presence or absence of visceral injury and the likelihood of continued intra-abdominal or retroperitoneal bleeding. Ideally, a team of experts will be on hand to deal with the individual problems or undertake further investigations.

---from 《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》


unimpaired /ˌʌnɪmˈperd/adj. 未受损伤的;没有削弱的,未减少的

impair /ɪmˈper/vt. 损害;削弱;减少

repair/rɪˈper/v. 修理;修复,补救;(使)重归于好;(结伴)去

Resuscitation /rɪˌsʌsɪˈteɪʃn/n. 复苏;复兴;复活

perineum /ˌperɪˈniːəm/n. [解剖] 会阴

rectum. /ˈrektəm/n. 直肠

urethral meatus尿道;尿道口

inspect/ɪnˈspekt/vt. 检查;视察;检阅vi. 进行检查;进行视察

suspect /səˈspekt/v. 怀疑;猜想n. 嫌疑犯adj. 靠不住的;可疑的

dictate/ˈdɪkteɪt/n. 命令;指示vt. 命令;口述;使听写vi. 口述;听写

intravenous urogram静脉尿路造影

extent/ɪkˈstent/n. 程度;范围;长度

visceral /ˈvɪsərəl/adj. 内脏的;出于本能的;发自肺腑的;粗俗的

visceral injury 内脏损伤

retroperitoneal /'retrəu,peritə'ni:əl/adj. 腹膜后的






