

Healing of femoral neck fractures is bedevilled by two problems: the threat of bone ischaemia and tardy union. The femoral head gets its blood supply from three sources: (1) intramedullary vessels in the femoral neck; (2) ascending cervical branches of the medial and lateral circumflex anastomoses, which run within the capsular retinaculum before entering the bone at the articular margin of the femoral head; and (3) the vessels of the ligamentum teres. The intramedullary supply is always interrupted by the fracture; the retinacular vessels, also, may be kinked or torn if the fracture is displaced. In elderly people, the remaining supply in the ligamentum teres is at best fairly meagre and, in 20 per cent of cases, nonexistent. Hence the high incidence of avascular necrosis in displaced femoral neck fractures.

Transcervical fractures are, by definition, intracapsular. They have a poor capacity for healing because: (1) by tearing the retinacular vessels the injury deprives the head of its main blood supply; (2) intra-articular

bone has only a flimsy periosteum and no contact with soft tissues which could promote callus formation; and (3) synovial fluid prevents clotting of the fracture haematoma. Accurate apposition and impaction of bone fragments are therefore of more importance than usual. There is evidence that aspirating a haemarthrosis increases the blood flow in the femoral head by relieving tension in the capsule, and the practice is encouraged at the time of surgery (Harper, Barnes et al. 1991; Bonnaire and Weber 2002).

---from 《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》


bedevilled美 /bɪˈdevld/折磨;使迷惑(bedevil的过去式和过去分词)

/bɪˈdevl/vt. 使痛苦;虐待;使苦恼

tardy /ˈtɑːrdi/n. 迟到adj. 缓慢的,迟缓的;迟到的

intramedullary/,intrə,me'dʌləri/adj. [解剖] 髓内的

cervical /ˈsɜːrvɪkl/adj. 颈的;子宫颈的

anastomoses /,ænəstə'məusi:z/n. (血管筋脉等的)吻合;愈合

margin /ˈmɑːrdʒɪn/n. 边缘;利润,余裕;页边的空白vt. 加边于;加旁注于

meagre  /ˈmiːɡər/adj. 瘦的;贫弱的;贫乏的



flimsy /ˈflɪmzin. 薄纸;复写纸;打字纸adj. 脆弱的;浅薄的;易损坏的;不周密的

periosteum /,perɪ'ɑstɪəm/n. [解剖] 骨膜;管膜

callus  /ˈkæləs/骨痂

synovial fluid 滑液 ;关节液

/si'nəuviəl, sai-/adj. 滑液的;分泌滑液的

There is evidence that aspirating a haemarthrosis increases the blood flow in the femoral head by relieving tension in the capsule。有证据表明,吸出关节内积血可通过缓解股骨头囊内的压力而增加股骨头内的血流量。

There is evidence that ...有证据表明...





