经济学人科技 || 动物的性取向:远古时可能都是双性恋







Basic instincts


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Sexual orientation of animals


Basic instincts


A new hypothesis argues that same-sex sexual behaviour is an evolutionary norm, not an aberration


When it comes to sexual behaviour, the animal kingdom is a broad church. Its members indulge in a wide variety of activities, including with creatures of the same sex. Flying foxes gather in all-male clusters to lick each other’s erect penises. Male Humboldt squid have been found with sperm-containing sacs implanted in and around their sexual organs in similar quantities to female squid. Female snow macaques often pair off to form temporary sexual relationships that includes mounting and pelvic thrusting. Same-sex sexual behaviour has been recorded in some 1,500 animal species.



1.broad church:a group, organization, or set of beliefs which includes a wide range of different opinions or ideas

2.Flying fox:狐蝠,雄狐蝠选择聚在一起相互口,详细链接


3.Humboldt squid美洲大赤鱿


美洲大赤鱿美洲大赤鱿又被成为洪堡鱿鱼、Pota或Diablo Rojo(西班牙语中“红魔鬼”的意思)。它们不仅有武装,而且武装到了牙齿——确切说是触手上也有牙齿。这些长在吸盘里的小钩还会弯曲,就像尖利的钳子,使它们在捕猎的时候威力大增。

4. 雪猴:即日本猕猴,每到冬天来临时,日本猕猴的身上就经常会披满白雪,因此这种猴子被人们称为“雪猴”。雌猕猴之间容易结成紧密的关系,而且实行的是临时“一夫一妻”制,一只雌猕猴只在固定时间里与另一只雌猕猴成为性伴侣,但在一个繁殖期里,一只雌猕猴可以先后与数只雌猕猴搭上关系。雌猕猴之间的性行为多为模拟雄性生殖器,以及在亢奋时发出类似雄性的咯咯声。雄猕猴之间也存在同性性行为,只不过雄性之间的性游戏结束后,它们会立即离开对方。雌性猕猴和自己的孩子关系密切,这种关系可以延续终生。

The mainstream explanations in evolutionary biology for these behaviours are many and varied. Yet they all contain a common assumption: that sexual behaviours involving members of the same sex are a paradox that does indeed need explaining. Reproduction requires mating with a creature of the opposite sex, so why does same-sex mating happen at all?


A paper just published in Nature Ecology and Evolution offers a different approach. Instead of regarding same-sex behaviour as an evolutionary oddity emerging from a normal baseline of different-sex behaviour, the authors suggest that it has been a norm since the first animals came into being. The common ancestor of all animals alive today, humans included, did not, they posit, have the biological equipment needed to discern the sex of others of its species. Rather, it would have exhibited indiscriminate sexual behaviour—and this would have been good enough to transmit its genes to the next generation.


The group of young researchers from institutions across America who wrote the paper, led by Julia Monk, a graduate student at Yale, argue that conventional models of sexual behaviour’s evolution take two things for granted that they should not. The first is that the cost of same-sex behaviour is high because energy and time spent engaged in it do not contribute to reproductive success. If that were true it would indeed mean that maintenance of same-sex behaviour over the generations requires some exotic explanation whereby such activity confers benefits that outweigh the disadvantage. The second assumption is that same-sex activity evolved separately in every species that exhibits it, from an ancestral population that engaged exclusively in different-sex behaviour.

这篇论文是由耶鲁大学研究生朱莉娅·蒙克(Julia Monk)与来自美国各个研究机构的研究人员一起完成的。他们认为,传统模式中的性行为进化理论基于两个假设。第一,同性行为代价太高,因为它耗费了大量时间和精力却又不能繁衍后代。如果这一说法是对的,那么若要解释同性性行为世代相传生生不息的现象,就需要别出心裁,证明同性性行为带来的好处大于缺点。第二,同性性行为是由只进行异性性行为的祖先物种向现代物种进化的过程中,各个物种独立演化而成的。

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Ms Monk and her co-authors question the first assumption by pointing out that many animals seem to mate at a frequency far higher than looks necessary merely to reproduce—meaning that the proportional costs of any instance of sexual activity which does not produce offspring must be low. If this is true, it reverses the burden of proof. The cost of the sensory and neurological mechanisms needed to identify another’s sex, and thus permit sex-discriminating mating behaviour, is high. Sometimes, that will be a price worth paying, especially if a long-term relationship is involved in reproduction, as it is in most birds and some mammals. But it is the evolution of sex-discrimination for which special-case exemptions must be sought, not the evolution of same-sex behaviour.


The second assumption is even easier to challenge. Typically, evolutionary biologists assume that traits shared widely across a related group are likely to have evolved in an ancestral population, not repeatedly and separately in each lineage. Ms Monk and her colleagues argue that cognitive biases in the subject’s practitioners have pushed them to look for fantastic explanations for the evolution of same-sex behaviours in a range of animals, rather than considering the perhaps more reasonable explanation for its persistence, that it is a low-cost ancestral trait that has little evolutionary reason to disappear.


Although the idea that same-sex behaviour has always been a norm is scientifically intriguing, the paper’s authors are also making a broader point about human beings’ pursuit of knowledge. Ms Monk says that the paper’s authors met through a Twitter account which promotes the work of lgbtscientists. This was a serendipitous encounter which gave them space to explore an idea that might have been dismissed at first sight in a more conventional setting. The group includes people with a range of sexual orientations, so naturally they had an incentive to ask whether mainstream evolutionary biology’s view of sexual orientation is correct.


Their hypothesis still needs testing. That will mean zoologists gathering more observational data on sexual behaviour of animals in the wild—and doing so with an open mind. The authors themselves are also mulling approaches involving computer modelling, which might show that a group of organisms behaving according to their theory is capable of reaching the distribution of sexual behaviours seen in the wild today. If their hypothesis is confirmed, it raises the question of which other facets of scientific knowledge might be being obscured because the backgrounds of practitioners in those fields do not lead them to ask unconventional questions. Ms Monk’s and her colleagues’ theory may yet turn notions of the evolution of animal sexual behaviour on their head. With a broader array of minds focused on other problems, other fields might follow, too.



Cindy ,女,未来外贸工,TE粉




Lee ,爱骑行的妇女之友,Timberland粉











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