爱德华·蒙克(Edvard Munch,1863-1944)是挪威表现主义画家,现代表现主义绘画的先驱,是具有世界声誉的艺术家,其绘画带有强烈的主观性和悲伤压抑的情调。他对心理苦闷的强烈的,呼唤式的处理手法对20世纪初德国表现主义的成长起了主要的影响。


《愉悦相伴》Merry Company,1903年,

Foster Mothers in Court

By the Deathbed, Fever


Christmas in the Brothel

Gamblers in Monte Carlo

《午睡》Afternoon Nap,1886

Set Design for Henrik Ibsen's Ghosts

Girl at the Beach,1896

Evening. Melancholy
1891,73×101 cm

1893,86×129 cm

Landowner in the Park
1903—1904,73×101 cm

Woman''s Head against a Red Background
1893—1894,86×129 cm

Jealousy in the Garden
大约1929~1930,100×120 cm

《象征性主题》Symbolic Motif,1903

Two Women in a Landscape
1897–1899,76×90 cm

Half-Nude in a Blue Skirt,1898

Red Virginia Creeper,1898—1900