这些小动物大家都认识 | 但很少人知道它们的英文名

Editor | Louie


没错,kid 这个单词现在常常被用来指代小盆友,一般是4岁以下的小宝宝,但是,其实它的原意是指小山羊哦。还有,绵羊单词是 sheep,小绵羊我们用 lamb 这个单词。1599年开始,这个词才有小屁孩的意思的,然后到了1839年才出现“开玩笑”的意思。
口语:“Sorry, Are you kidding me?”
A kid [kid] is a baby goat or antelope, though the word may also refer to leather made from goat hide. You might recognize the phrase, "to handle with kid gloves" meaning "to handle with care." The first recorded usage of kid as slang for "child" was in 1599, and the verb form to kid (meaning "to joke") entered the vernacular in 1839.

小兔子的单词,如果是家兔一般用 rabbit,野兔用 hare;一岁以下的小兔兔就用 leveret,这个词来自于日耳曼语哦。
A leveret [lev-er-it] is a young hare, especially one that is less than a year old. The word is a diminutive or "small version" of the Norman French levre for "hare." The addition of the suffix-et denotes that the hare is young or small.

蝌蚪 tadpole,长大变成蛙类啦,因此,它的单词完全不一样很有理有据呀。蝌蚪的脑袋那么大,这就是它的来历啦。
A polliwog [pol-ee-wog] is a young frog or tadpole that has not yet grown legs. The word is derived from the Old English polwygle with polmeaning "head" and wygle meaning "wiggle." Idiomatically, a tadpole is a "wiggling head." In mariner slang, polliwog can also refer to a sailor who has not yet crossed the equator.

小猪猪,当然也可以用 piglet 和 piggy 来表示,但是正式一点的还是 shoat 这个不知道从啥地方演化来读起来像是在吃奶的单词。
A shoat [shoht] is a young pig that has recently been weaned off of its mother's milk and onto solid food. Though a definitive origin of the word is unknown, "shoat" may come from the West Flemish schote referring to a pig under one year old.

所以,你只会说 little tiger, little dog?
A whelp [hwelp, welp] is the young of a tiger, lion, wolf, bear, or dog. Today whelp can also be slang for an obstinate or overly vivacious child, akin to "brat" or "whipper snapper."
A cygnet is a young swan.
An eyas is a young nestling hawk or falcon.
A fledgling is any young bird that has recently grown the feathers.
A hatchling is a young alligator, bird, reptile or fish emerged from an egg.
