以下俳句皆为宋德利翻译家自写自译。 下面是宋先生的序,供参考。近日,东西方艺术家协会主席娄德平先生邀请我为他翻译俳句集。但是在尚未收到诗稿的两天里,我却受他的启发,倒先写起了俳句,而且是用英文写的,属于英文原创吧。数了数,已经积累了80首。因为其他译事的关系,暂且搁笔。鉴于好久没有在这里发表新作了,便把这组英语俳句发来与大家分享。俳句(音:排句),来源中国古代汉诗绝句,是日本的一种短诗,以三句十七音为一首,首句五音,次句七音,末句五音。后来传到美国,出现用英语写的俳句(Haiku),遵循的规则大致也是三句十七音为一首,首句五音,次句七音,末句五音。俳句有格律俳,就是讲究韵脚。但是也有宽松式的散俳,可以不押韵,字数和句数也不限。今天下午我灵感突发,一气呵成,试做英俳一组,而后翻译成汉语,属于自写自译。笔者自定规则,句数一定是三句,音节一定是五七五,一三两句不押韵。但翻译成汉语,一三两句却必押韵。俳句,英文的说法, 也可以是a Japanese form of light poetry consisting of 17 syllable。说起来,这些小品只是自娱自乐的产物吧。不过,虽然如此,笔者也未敢有丝毫马虎,只是因为水平有限,难免有献丑之处,万望朋友谅解,并不吝赐教。1.A bird is choking.She fell in love with the moon.But the moon refused.小鸟儿哽咽只因她爱上月亮却遭到拒绝2.The cloud smiles at me.She wants to invite me toJoin her wedding feast.云儿露笑脸她想邀我去参加她的结婚宴3A peach petal fellInto the stream and scared theSleeping fish to death.桃花瓣一只落小溪将熟睡的鱼儿吓半死4.Lovely squirrel pushedOpen my window to giveMe a dream l lost.松鼠推开窗将我所遗失的梦交到我手上5.The sun is settingTo create the brilliant lightFor tomorrow morn.夕阳正西垂为明天清晨营造灿烂的光辉6.My computer saysTo write sorrowful storiesIs not what it loves.电脑把口开它说写哀伤故事并非它所爱7.The poems I composedRan away thru the windowWith help of the moon我诗刚写好在月亮的帮助下它却夺窗逃8.Green rain stealthilyEntered my red dream last nightAnd became a sea.绿雨夜窗外潜入我红色的梦变成一片海9.The snowflakes madly dancedIn the vast sea of my heartAnd then formed icebergs.雪花舞狂癫入我心海都变成一座座冰山10.Sunshine changed rain dropsInto pearls and strung them asA neck ring for me阳光把雨点变成珍珠再为我串一条项链11.I picked down the moonFrom the night sky and hid itDeeply in my poem.我从夜空中摘下月亮深深地藏在我诗丛12.The twinkling stars scatterIn the fresh grass and becameCountless bright fireflies闪闪的星星散落草丛中变成无数萤火虫13.The vast sea asks theYellow bleak desert whether it isThirsty all year round.大海问荒凉黄色的沙漠是否常年渴得慌14.The west envies theEast 'cause the red sun rises thereWithout exception.西方对东方眼热因那里总是升起红太阳15.Clock jumped down from theWall he said he was too tiredTo serve me again.挂钟从墙上跳下说太累无法再为我帮忙16.The stone has long beenHaving a sweet dream with theKind earth peacefully.石头很宁静一直与善良的大地做着美梦17.A group of words areWeeping 'cause they lost the wayTo enter my poems.有一组文字在哭泣只因迷路无法进我诗18.I reached out my hand.The rose scolded me at once:Never ever touch me!我把手伸过。玫瑰立即朝我喊永远别碰我19.I’m humming a tune.But the sparrow says the tuneWas stolen from her.我在哼小曲麻雀说都是我从她那里偷取20.The power is goneMy eyes can give out lightI can still read books突然就停电我眼自己能发光照样把书念21.Time is a sharp knife.It carves deep rivers and highMountains in my faces.时间是利刃在我的脸上雕出山高水又深22.Extreme joy leads sorrow.Out of the deep misfortuneComes bliss at the end.乐极会生悲祸到极点福会来谁说这不对即:乐极生悲,否极泰来。23.If soaked by hatred,A heart will become a seaOf vicious water.若为恨浸泡人心变成一片海恶水逐浪高24.If moistened by love,A heart will become a seaOf gracious water.若为爱滋润人心变成海一片善水万丈深25.Give love you and IThe world will be turned intoA beautiful land.你我把爱献这世界就能变成美好的人间即:只要人人献上一点爱,世界就会变成美好的人间。26.Fire burns very high,When everybody addsA little piece of wood.每个人如果都添加一点木柴火焰高得多即:众人拾柴火焰高。27.To be modest helpsA person to make progressForward on the road.谦虚能帮助人们在前进道路上取得进步即:谦虚使人进步。28.To be cocky makesA person come to nothingOn the forward march.骄傲能使人在前进的道路上成功丧失尽即:骄傲使人落后。29.If work hard enough,You can grind an iron rodInto a small needle.(namely perseverance spells success.)如果肯用心你能把铁棒磨成小小一根针即:只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针。30.A distantJourney can test strengthOf a horse.A long taskProves the characterOf a man.远行可检验一匹马力几何任务久能证明人性无保留即:路遥知马力,日久见人心31.A flying moth dartsTo fire is equal to aMan seeks his own doom.飞蛾将火扑此事就等于有人自寻自坟墓即:飞蛾扑火,自取灭亡32.To catch tiger cubs,One must bravely enter theDeep lairs of tigers.(nothing ventured, nothing gained)要想抓小虎必须勇敢无所惧虎穴要深入即:不入虎穴 焉得虎子33.When the lips are lost,The teeth will be exposed toThe external cold.(share a common lot)双唇若丢失牙齿必然暴露于外部寒冷里即:唇亡齿寒。35.Skin has gone away,To what you imagine hairAttaches itself?如果皮丢失你能否猜出毛发将附在哪里即:皮之不存, 毛将焉附?英语俳句(自写自译)(36 - 40)宋德利36.You should choose kind menTo get acquainted with andChoose good books to read.你应该挑选好人相交并选择好书阅读遍即:择善人而交,择善书而读。37.You should choose kind wordsTo carefully listen to andChoose good works to do.你应该选择善言而听并选择好事要做多即:择善言而听,择善行而从。38.To be angry isTo punish oneself with theMistakes of others.生气就是拿别人犯过的错误来惩罚自家39.To forgive othersFor their mistakes is toBe kind to your heart.如原谅别人错误就等于善待你自己的心即:原谅他人错误,就是善待己心。40.To have more moneyIs not always equal toHaving more pleasure.拥有很多钱未必等于有了钱快乐多无限即:未必钱多乐便多。41.Having more moneyHas already brought troublesDirect to your own.拥有很多钱早已将很多烦恼招致你身边即:财多累己招烦恼。42.Water constantlyDripping can wear holes in stoneDue to working hard.滴水不间断长久终能把石穿功夫实不浅即:滴水穿石。43.To do nothing bad,You can never have anyoneTo hate you at all.作恶没你份世上永远不会有他人把你恨即:平生不做皱眉事,世上应无切齿人。44.To be able toGive out your loving heart isYour real good fortune.只要能将你的爱心奉献就是你的真福气即:能付出爱心就是福。45.To be able toGet rid of your anxietyIs your real wisdom.只要能将你的烦恼消除就是你的真灵气即:能排除烦恼就是慧。46.To conquer the worldIsn’t great but one can conquerOneself is greatest.征服世界并非伟大征服自己才是最伟大47.To slander othersIs like to sling mud at themAnd stain his mouth first.诽谤别的人好像含血去喷人先污自己唇48.To hate other menBut the one suffering painIs just you yourself.痛恨其他人然而倍感痛苦者正是你本人49.The nice medicineIs bitter to the mouth butVery good to the health.良好的药物对口是苦对健康却大有好处即:良药苦口利于病。50.The nice advice isUnpleasant to hear but itIs good to action.善意的忠告往往逆耳但它对行动却很好即:忠言逆耳利于行。51.One suffers from painBecause he always tries toPursue the wrong things.一个人痛苦只因他总是追求错误的事物65.Biggest enemyOf a person is alwaysHe himself indeed.一个人最大敌人正是他自己,一点也不假66.The biggest failureIn the life of a personIs to be cocky.一人一生中最大的失败就是自大总逞能67.In a person’s life,The biggest foolishness isHe always deceives.一人一生中最大的愚蠢就是行骗有本领68.The most wretched thing inThe life of a person isHe’s always jealous.一人一生中最可怜就是见啥都嫉妒眼红69.In a person’s life,The most serious mistake isTo be of two minds.一个一生中最大的错误就是总犹豫不定70.In a person’s life,The biggest pain of him isHe’s always obsessed.一人一生中最大的痛苦就是对啥都痴情71.In a person’s life,The biggest shame of him isHe always flatters.一人一生中最大的羞辱就是靠献媚求生72.In a person’s life,The biggest danger of himIs he is greedy.一人一生里最大的危险就是贪婪太小气73.In a person’s life,His biggest anxiety isTo strive for fame-wealth.一人一生里最大的烦恼就是争名又夺利74.In a person’s life,His biggest crime is to beHooked by his own lies.一人一生里最大的罪过就是欺人又自欺75.The most pitifulTemper in a man’s life isTo be self-abased.一人一生里最最可怜的性情就是总自卑76.In a person’s life,The biggest bankruptcy isHis disappointment.一人一生里最大的破产就是绝望总泄气77.In a person’s life,The biggest debt he owes isDebt of gratitude.人生说起来最大的债务就是所欠人情债78.Harsh words are like theWater poured on the ground hardTo be taken back.那些伤人语确实犹如水覆地实在难收起79.I see not the trueFace of the mountain becauseI’m in the mountain.我不识大山真面目只因我身在这大山间即:不识庐山真面目,只因身在此山中。80.Misfortune may beA blessing which is sometimesJust in a disguise.坏事可引来好结果好事结果也可能是坏即:祸兮福所倚,福兮祸所伏。