Operation instruction for simulative releaseof free-fall lifeboat
Release(pleasesee attached drawing)
1. 把艇架上的挂艇钢丝绳与救生艇尾部的挂艇装置相连。
Connect the wire rope of davit with the hanging plate ofend of lifeboat.
2. 将艇架吊艇钩与救生艇吊环相连,回收钢丝绳至将要受力的状态。
Connect the hook of davit with flying ring of lifeboat,then recover the hook until the wire rope approach to endure the force.
3. 操作人员带好安全帽,穿好救生衣进艇,坐于操作位置并系好安全带。
Operator should wear the motorcycle safety helmet,put onthe life jacket, sit at operation seat and fasten the safety belts
4. 根据艇释放操作说明中的释放步骤,把艇释放。
According to the hook release instruction to release theboat.
1. 根据救生艇回收操作说明回收救生艇
Recover the lifeboat according to the recovery operationinstruction of lifeboat.
2. 根据救生艇释放钩复位操作说明复位释放钩
Reset the release hook according to the reset operationinstruction
3. 把救生艇吊环及挂艇钢丝绳脱开。
Detach the ring of lifeboat from davit hook.