飞檐走壁,有颜有实力的Sasha DiGiulian如何演绎自己的传奇
飞檐走壁,看Sasha DiGiulian如何演绎自己的传奇

照片上的这个姑娘名叫Sasha DiGiulian(萨沙·底格里安),是一位攀岩达人。现年仅26岁的她,已在INS上有近40万粉丝。这并不奇怪,在她13岁的时候,已斩获厄瓜多尔青少年世界锦标赛冠军,从此她开始渐渐走入了大众的视线,越来越多的人开始注意到这颗冉冉升起的新星。
Sasha DiGiulian7岁爱上攀岩,20岁成为世界冠军,3次获得美国攀岩赛冠军,世界攀岩赛女子组冠军;还是美国第一位,全球第三位完成9a(5.14d)级别难度的女性,可以说创造了女性攀岩的历史记录!

New Words:
femininity ['fɛmə'nɪnəti] n. 温柔;柔弱性;女子本性
prepubescent [priːpjʊ'bes(ə)nt] adj. 青春期前的
gala ['ɡelə] n. 祝贺,庆祝;节日,特别娱乐adj. 节日的,欢庆的;欢乐的
callus ['kæləs] n. [皮肤] 胼胝;愈合组织;老茧
bunion ['bʌnjən] n. 姆囊炎;拇趾囊肿;大趾内侧的肿胀
prerequisite [,pri'rɛkwəzɪt] n. 先决条件adj. 首要必备的
As a woman in climbing, I occupy two worlds: one defined by strength and grit, the other by beauty and traditional ideas of femininity. It’s something I still struggle with.

我们都知道,攀岩需要巨大的体力,由于长期的训练,Sasha DiGiulian的身体发生了一系列变化:
I gained just over ten pounds, which is noticeable considering I was shy of 100, and developed broader shoulders, hips, and a butt. I no longer had the body of a prepubescent girl.

With these changes came a new challenge: self-acceptance .
I’ve been trying to change the way I think about my body recently . While in the dressing room before a gala, I need to remind myself: these lats that are preventing my dress from zipping up are the tools that I have to do my sport. They are what set me apart; they make me unique.
对于身体的这些变化,Sasha DiGiulian又有了新的挑战:自我认同。

From my crooked, callused fingers to my bunion toes, my body is my own. I do not owe this look to anyone else .

We as women need to have this type of correspondence with ourselves. We need to recognize what we appreciate about our bodies, highlight what we are proud of, what we’re good at, and feel inspired by, and face what we do not like. Self-esteem is the prerequisite to gender .

最后附上Sasha DiGiulian的一张生活照,她笑的那么灿烂。照片中的她无论从颜值还是格调,是不是也丝毫没有输给同龄人呢?

愿我们都像Sasha DiGiulian那样,活出真正的自己
学一首甜美的情歌-When You Say Nothing At All
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