


首先,我们来复习一个旧的知识点。不知道朋友们还记不记得在《早餐英语》节目中,学习过一个新短语“ignorance is bliss”,也就是 “无知是福”。这倒有点我们中国古代所说的“女子无才便是德”的意思了。虽然现今的社会早已是男女平等,女孩子和男孩子一样,都拥有受教育以及工作的权利。小编在这里想考考大家,“女子无才便是德”上半句是什么?



世界银行在其最新报告Unrealized Potential: The High Cost of Gender Inequality in Earnings《未释放的潜力:男女收入不平等的高昂代价》中指出,男女终身收入差距造成全球财富损失高达 160 万亿美元,相当于所研究的 141 个国家人均损失 23620 美元。


Some key findings:

Globally, women account for only 38 percent of human capital wealth versus 62 percent for men. In low- and lower-middle income countries, women account for a third or less of human capital wealth.


On a per capita basis, gender inequality in earnings could lead to losses in wealth of $23,620 per person globally. These losses differ between regions and countries because levels of human capital wealth, and thereby losses in wealth due to gender inequality, tend to increase in absolute values with economic development. For these reasons, in absolute terms the losses are largest in OECD countries.




Men’s brains:


“Men’s brains are made of boxes, and we have a box for everything. We’ve got a box for the car, that box for the money, a box for the job, a box for you, a box for kids, a box for your mother somewhere in the basement. They’ve got boxes for everywhere, and the rule is: the boxes don’t touch. ”


“When a man discusses a particular subject, we go to that particular box, we pull that box out, we open the box, we discuss only what is in that box. And we close the box and put it away being very careful, and not to touch any other boxes.”


Women’s brains:


“Women’s brains are very complicated. And everything is connected to everything, money is got to the car, and car is got to your job, and everything. It’s like the Internet superhighway, and it’s all driven by energy that we call emotion. It’s one of the reasons why women tend to remember everything. Because if you take an event and connect it to emotion, and it burns in your memory and you can remember it forever. The same thing happens for men, it just didn’t happen very often, because they don’t care.”




New Words:

account for对…负有责任;对…做出解释;说明……的原因;导致;(比例)占

human capital [劳经] 人力资本,技能资本

per capita [统计] 人均;(拉丁)每人;按人口计算

gender inequality 性别不平等;不平等的两性关系

earnings ['ɝnɪŋz] n. 收入[复数 earnings ]

tend to 趋向;注意;易于;有…的倾向

absolute values 绝对值

OECDabbr. 经济合作与发展组织(Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development)

Positive Language Positive Mind Positive Life

