下面这些句子里面,印象最为深刻的是这句'a thousand time no!',经常会在英文电影中听见,是很有态度的语调,因而很喜欢……这些内容都很实用,完全口语化的表达,看了肯定有能用上的。或者,会发现你们特别喜欢用的句子,也在里面。事不宜迟,一起来看看吧!

1. It's cool.
2. Do you really mean it?
3. Better than nothing.
4. I've got carried away.
5. A thousand time no!
6. Why not?
7. What’s cooking?
8. You are just in time.
9. Cut it out!
10. It’s a deal.
11.You are dead meat.
12. Joy ride.
13. Who cares?
14. Aren't you tempting fate?
15. It's a storm in a teacup!

16. Clothes make the man.
18. Keep a low profile!
19. No hard feeling.
20. Go for it.
21. Do as I said.
22. There's no need to apologize.
23. That's the way I look at it.
24. You chicken.
25. Wise up!
26. The answer is zero.
27. More brawn than brain.
28. I won't buy your story.
29. You are a stick in the mud.
30. She stood me up again.
31. My card is maxed out.
32. Over my dead body.
33. Guess what?
34. Cheers! Bottoms up.
35. What gives?

36. Let it be.
37. There you go.
38. Knock on wood.
39. Damn-it boy.
40. Give me a break!
41. He is a nerd!
42. Don't show off.
43. Fair to middling.
44. It's not like that.
45. Recharge your batteries.
46. I'm all ears.
47. Take your time.
48. Shut the fuck up.
49. Holy crap.
50. You've got such a nerve.
51. It will work.
——我看行 。
52. Freaking awesome.
53. What the hell?
54. Stupid ass.
55. Totally nonsense.
May you
live the way
you want