One can love the whole world. One shouldlove. Love should not be in any way possessive. It should not be exclusive, itshould be inclusive. Only when love is inclusive will you know what it is. Whenlove is exclusive, exclusively to one, you are narrowing it down so much thatyou will kill it. You are destroying its infinity. You are trying to put thewhole sky into such a small space; the small space cannot contain it.
One should be in love. Love should not bejust a relationship, it should be a state of being.
And whenever you love one,through the one you love the all. And if love has REALLY happened you willsuddenly find that you have started loving trees and birds and the sky andpeople.
When you have fallen in love with one man or one woman, what exactlyhas happened? When you fall in love with one woman you have fallen in love withall women. The one woman is just a representative, the one woman is just anexample of all the women that have existed in the world, that are existing inthe world and that will exist in the world. That one woman is just a door towomanhood. But the woman is not only a woman, she is a human being too. So youhave fallen in love with all human beings. And the woman is not only a humanbeing, she is a being too. So you have fallen in love with all beings. Once youfall in love you will be surprised that your love-energy is released towardsall. That is true love.
Possessive love is not true love. It is sotiny, it suffocates itself and it suffocates the other too. But this has beenso up to now: love has never been inclusive. You have been taught exclusivelove.
Your mother says, "Love ME, I am yourmother." Your father says, "Love ME, I am your father." Not onlythat, your father and mother sometimes -- apparently in humor, but deep downnot in humor -- ask you whom you love more, "Me or your mother? Whom doyou love more, me or your father?"
Now you are posing a wrong question to thechild.To bring in the question of ’more’ is stupid. Love is or love is not;there is no question of more or less. You are teaching a wrong arithmetic tothe child. And the mother tries to be possessive. And then everybody tries tobe possessive: "Love me, don’t love anybody else." In fact, in thepast the individual who could not be committed to a one-to-one relationship wasconsidered neurotic. In fact, it is the individual committed to an exclusiverelationship who is immature. To be in love only with one person is to bearrested at the infantile stage of parent fixation. One should be free to havemany involvements, many relationships, many loves.
But that seems to be dangerous. It isdangerous only because it goes against our habits. And who created thosehabits? There is a subtle logic in those habits. Man has lived under an economyof scarcity: food has not been enough for all, houses have not been enough for all,clothes have not been enough for all. Man has lived down the ages under theeconomy of scarcity. Everything is scarce, and that has given the idea thatlove is also scarce. If you love two persons, naturally, both will be gettinghalf and half. If you love three -- more division. If you love thousands, loveis spread so thin that it will be almost as if you don’t love anybody.
It is not true about love. Love isinexhaustible, there is no question of scarcity.
And you will be surprised thateven people like Sigmund Freud think that there is scarcity even about love.Freud is against loving your neighbor or strangers. He’s very much againstJesus’ saying, "Love your neighbor." And his argument is the simpleeconomic one -- that if love is spread out it is spread thin. Freud wrote:"To love thy neighbor is un-psychological." He also wrote "Suchan enormous inflation of love can only lower its value." And in trueJewish and capitalist fashion, Freud assumed a scarcity-economy in the psyche:there was just so much libido, so much love, to go around, and one had to becareful where one invested it. This is utter nonsense. This is ABSOLUTELY wrong.
You don’t have only so much libido, youhave INFINITE libido. And because this idea has been put into your heads, youare suffering. That’s why no lover seems to be satisfied, it is not possible --because love is so much that giving it to only one person will never satisfyyou. You will feel unsatisfied. You could have given to the whole world. Nowthat which is not given remains there, and any energy that remains inside you,unexpressed, becomes destructive, turns into an enemy.
Let love flow. You are a well of love. Letpeople draw as much love as they can draw from you, and fresh waters will becoming in. You are joined with the infinite ocean.
Once man becomes aware of this phenomenon,that love is inexhaustible, that there is no scarcity, jealousy will disappear.Jealousy is part of the economy of scarcity.
Your wife becomes afraid if she sees youlaughing with some other woman; now she knows you will not be laughing with her-- so much laughter gone. There is only so much libido, so much laughter. Youhave been smiling, so much smile wasted -- now with her you will not besmiling. This is utter foolishness. In fact, if your husband has been smilingwith other people, it is more possible that he will smile with you, because hehas been practising smiling.If he remains closed to every other person that hecomes across except you, he is practising closedness, so when he comes to youhe is closed. It becomes habit, non-smiling becomes habit.
If he cannot loveanybody else other than you, then the whole day he is trying to be non-loving,remember it. He goes to the office, he is non-loving to his office colleagues.He goes with his friends, he is non-loving to his friends. He goes to the club,he is non-loving to the club people. He’s practising non-love. Then he comeshome full of his practise, that cultivated non-love, and he looks at you. Howcan he love you? He has forgotten what love means, he remains in his habit. Byand by, the habit becomes a second nature.
You find people so unloving: the reason isthey have all decided that love is scarce; you can’t go on giving to each andeverybody. But I say it to you from experience: I have been giving love tomillions of people, and the more you give the more you have it.
Remember this too: that love need notalways mean sexual, love need not always mean sensuous. Love has manydimensions to it. It is a multi-faceted phenomenon. You can love music, you canlove poetry. But have you seen it happening that ifyour wife finds that youare too much in love with music, she even becomes jealous of music? She maydestroy your guitar,she may throw it out;the guitar seems to be a competitor.When you take your guitar, you touch your guitar as if the guitar is yourbeloved.
If you live in non-love you live in a deadworld.If you live in love you live in an alive world.
But the wife will feel jealous. You nevercaress your wife -- she will think -- so lovingly as you caress your guitar.You never play on the body of your wife so lovingly as you play on your guitar;she is also carrying a music in her. Now she becomes jealous. She thinks,"This guitar is a competitor. This guitar has to go."
And naturally when you love music and you love your guitar, the guitaris not just an instrument. It is not mechanical, it has a personality, it has abeing. You look, you touch, with eyes full of love, with hands full of love.You hold your guitar close to your heart. It is alive! Love makes everythingalive; whatsoever it touches it makes alive. Non-love makes everything dead;whatsoever it touches it makes it dead.
If you are reading a beautiful book and.you are engrossed in it and the wife is clamoring for attention around you, shewill throw your book. She will say, "This is too much! I am here, and youare reading?" Even love for a book can create jealousy. If the wife is apainter the husband feels jealous; he comes home and he sees the wife is painting.
But the whole phenomenon depends on oneidea -- very wrong-rooted, deep-rooted though it is, but absolutely wrong --that love is scarce. Save it, save it only for those you love, because you haveonly so much of it.
You don’t have only so much of it. You haveonly as much of it as you give. By giving it you have it. You cannot hoardlove. The hoarder will not have anything. The hoarder will find he has no love.By hoarding, it dies. It lives only in sharing, it lives in communion. When itmoves from one person to another person, it lives, and it gathers more and moreenergy. And the more flows out of you, the more capable you become of flowingit. You become a bigger and bigger channel for God to flow into the world.
Now remember, if you love only one personyou are not very far away from becoming a monk -- just one person you have todrop. The step, a single step, and the householder becomes a monk. And when youhave only so much love, why give it even to one person? Why not keep it foryourself? The logic is the same.
If you go to the logical conclusion, then themonk seems to be the right person. Why bother even with a wife or a friend or ahusband? Why? Why not go to Mount Athos, to a Catholic monastery or to a Hindumonastery, and disappear behind the mountain and keep it for yourself? But doyou think the monk has any love?
Why has this idea arisen in the religions?-- that you have to disappear from the world? -- the sameconcept of scarcity:that if you give love to the world, to people, how will you give to God? Thesame idea: if you give it to your wife, then how will you give it to your God?So disappear from the world. Don’t give it to your wife, don’t give it to yourchild, otherwise you have only so much of it. Collect all your love and escapeinto a monastery and give it all to God.
It is stupid. You will not be able to give,because to give to God, the only way is to give to the world. God is hiddenhere. God does not live hidden there in some monastery. He is spread all overexistence, in the rocks, in the rivers, in the mountains. You give! Learn togive, and you will have so many new sources opening up.
I agree with Anatole France who said,"Of all the perversions, chastity is the strangest." Chastity is akind of miserliness: don’t give love to anybody. And when you contain all,people think you are chaste; you are not. You are simply poisoned.
Chastityarises out of love, giving oflove.
The chaste person is one who goes on flowing in love unconditionally. Thechaste person is one whose love is no more a relationship but a state of hisbeing. Even while asleep he vibrates in love. All his life, the whole of hislife is love-filled. He overflows in love. That person is chaste. Infinity of lovebrings chastity.
But the old concept is that if you preventall love moving from your heart you will be chaste. You will not be chaste, youwill be simply dead. You will become simply neurotic, you will be perverted.
摘自The Wisdom of the Sands