多元logit (MNL)模型是一种流行的方法,用于建立没有自然排序结果的分类选择模型,如职业、政党或餐厅选择。
xtset subject
xtmlogit restaurant age
xtmlogit restaurant age, covariance(unstructured)
. xtmlogit restaurant age, fe
use (虚构的就业状况数据)
被解释变量 estatus是妇女当下的就业状况,有三个层次:就业、失业(待业)和不在劳动力(不待业)。包括「1.非劳动力(out of the labor force);2.失业(但仍在找工作)(unemployed);3.在职(employed)」。
list id year estatus hhchild age in 22/41, sepby(id) noobs
. list id year estatus hhchild age in 22/41, sepby(id) noobs
+------------------------------------------------+ | id year estatus hhchild age | |------------------------------------------------| | 5 2002 Employed Yes 38 | | 5 2004 Employed No 40 | | 5 2006 Employed No 42 | | 5 2008 Employed No 44 | | 5 2010 Out of labor force No 46 | | 5 2012 Out of labor force No 48 | | 5 2014 Unemployed No 50 | |------------------------------------------------| | 6 2002 Unemployed Yes 31 | | 6 2004 Employed Yes 33 | | 6 2006 Out of labor force Yes 35 | | 6 2008 Unemployed Yes 37 | | 6 2010 Out of labor force Yes 39 | | 6 2012 Unemployed No 41 | |------------------------------------------------| | 7 2002 Out of labor force Yes 33 | | 7 2004 Employed Yes 35 | | 7 2006 Employed Yes 37 | | 7 2008 Out of labor force Yes 39 | | 7 2010 Employed No 41 | | 7 2012 Employed No 43 | | 7 2014 Employed No 45 | +------------------------------------------------+
tabulate estatus
tabulate estatus
Employment status | Freq. Percent Cum.-------------------+-----------------------------------Out of labor force | 1,682 35.33 35.33 Unemployed | 703 14.77 50.09 Employed | 2,376 49.91 100.00-------------------+----------------------------------- Total | 4,761 100.00
. . xtset id
. . xtset id
Panel variable: id (unbalanced)
xtmlogit estatus i.hhchild age hhincome i.hhsigno, rrr
. xtmlogit estatus i.hhchild age hhincome i.hhsigno, rrr
Fitting comparison model ...
Refining starting values:
Grid node 0: log likelihood = -4504.5591Grid node 1: log likelihood = -4538.6352
Fitting full model:
Iteration 0: log likelihood = -4504.5591 Iteration 1: log likelihood = -4495.871 Iteration 2: log likelihood = -4490.5098 Iteration 3: log likelihood = -4490.4197 Iteration 4: log likelihood = -4490.4196
Random-effects multinomial logistic regression Number of obs = 4,761Group variable: id Number of groups = 800
Random effects u_i ~ Gaussian Obs per group: min = 5 avg = 6.0 max = 7
Integration method: mvaghermite Integration pts. = 7
Wald chi2(8) = 199.25Log likelihood = -4490.4196 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ estatus | RRR Std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval]-------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------Out_of_labor_force | hhchild | Yes | 1.579937 .1513905 4.77 0.000 1.309414 1.906349 age | .9947946 .0065832 -0.79 0.430 .981975 1.007781 hhincome | .9954927 .0018251 -2.46 0.014 .9919221 .9990762 | hhsigno | Yes | 1.642859 .1550291 5.26 0.000 1.365452 1.976625 _cons | .4949307 .1392991 -2.50 0.012 .2850836 .859244-------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------Unemployed | hhchild | Yes | .9607243 .1148148 -0.34 0.737 .7601038 1.214296 age | 1.004257 .008211 0.52 0.603 .9882918 1.02048 hhincome | .9696874 .0025722 -11.60 0.000 .964659 .9747421 | hhsigno | Yes | 1.099323 .1310654 0.79 0.427 .8702452 1.388701 _cons | .8078165 .280628 -0.61 0.539 .4088963 1.595924-------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------Employed | (base outcome)-------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- var(u1)| .8573133 .1083915 .6691459 1.098394 var(u2)| .7378532 .1388652 .5102376 1.067008------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: Estimates are transformed only in the first 3 equations to relative-risk ratios.Note: _cons estimates baseline relative risk (conditional on zero random effects).LR test vs. multinomial logit: chi2(2) = 227.68 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
Note: LR test is conservative and provided only for reference.
最后一节给出了随机效应的估计方差。默认情况下,随机效果是不相关的,但是可以使用covariance() 选项更改它们的协方差结构。
margins hhchild
. margins hhchild
Predictive margins Number of obs = 4,761Model VCE: OIM
1._predict: Pr(estatus==Out_of_labor_force), predict(pr outcome(1))2._predict: Pr(estatus==Unemployed), predict(pr outcome(2))3._predict: Pr(estatus==Employed), predict(pr outcome(3))
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Delta-method | Margin std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval]-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------_predict#hhchild | 1#No | .3025675 .0131546 23.00 0.000 .276785 .32835 1#Yes | .3912476 .0120405 32.49 0.000 .3676486 .4148466 2#No | .1628713 .0101131 16.11 0.000 .1430501 .1826925 2#Yes | .1398537 .0079462 17.60 0.000 .1242794 .1554279 3#No | .5345612 .0136994 39.02 0.000 .5077108 .5614116 3#Yes | .4688987 .0116594 40.22 0.000 .4460468 .4917507----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
quietly margins hhchild, at(hhincome=(20(20)100))
. marginsplot, by(_predict, label('Out of labor force' 'Unemployed' 'Employed')) ///
> byopts(rows(1) title('Marginal probabilities of employment status')) ///
> legend(order(4 'Child under 5 at home' 3 'No child under 5 at home'))
Variables that uniquely identify margins: hhincome hhchild
xtmlogit estatus i.hhchild age hhincome i.hhsigno, fe rrr
. xtmlogit estatus i.hhchild age hhincome i.hhsigno, fe rrr
note: 80 groups (451 obs) omitted because of no variation in the outcome variable over time.
Computing initial values ...
Setting up 26,168 permutations:
Fitting full model:
Iteration 0: log likelihood = -2154.4175
Iteration 1: log likelihood = -2154.2058
Iteration 2: log likelihood = -2154.2057
Fixed-effects multinomial logistic regression Number of obs = 4,310
Group variable: id Number of groups = 720
Obs per group:
min = 5
avg = 6.0
max = 7
LR chi2(8) = 67.42
Log likelihood = -2154.2057 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
estatus | RRR Std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval]
Out_of_labor_force |
hhchild |
Yes | 1.784236 .2237128 4.62 0.000 1.395488 2.28128
age | .9977834 .0146507 -0.15 0.880 .9694778 1.026915
hhincome | .9895225 .0086923 -1.20 0.231 .9726318 1.006707
hhsigno |
Yes | 1.658753 .1654425 5.07 0.000 1.364217 2.016878
Unemployed |
hhchild |
Yes | 1.181866 .1933766 1.02 0.307 .8576197 1.628702
age | 1.004991 .0194887 0.26 0.797 .967511 1.043924
hhincome | .9717411 .0116616 -2.39 0.017 .9491514 .9948684
hhsigno |
Yes | 1.11936 .1454154 0.87 0.385 .8677426 1.443939
Employed | (base outcome)
xtmlogit estatus i.hhchild age hhincome i.hhsigno i.bwinner
*========================================. * 高级计量经济学. *========================================. . . * 计量经济学服务中心. . . *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . * 参考资料:. * 《初级计量经济学及Stata应用:Stata从入门到进阶》 . * 《高级计量经济学及Stata应用:Stata回归分析与应用》. * 《量化社会科学方法》. * 《社会科学因果推断》. * 《面板数据计量分析方法》. * 《时间序列计量分析方法》. * 《高级计量经济学及Eviews应用》. * 《R、Python、Mtalab初高级教程》. * 《空间计量入门:空间计量在Geoda、GeodaSpace中的应用》 . * 《零基础|轻松搞定空间计量:空间计量及GeoDa、Stata应用》. * 《空间计量第二部:空间计量及Matlab应用课程》. * 《空间计量第三部:空间计量及Stata应用课程》. * 《空间计量第四部:《空间计量及ArcGis应用课程》. * 《空间计量第五部:空间计量经济学》. * 《空间计量第六部:《空间计量及Python应用》. * 《空间计量第七部:《空间计量及R应用》. * 《空间计量第八部:《高级空间计量经济学》. *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------. . . . *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------. *高级计量经济学--面板数据计量分析* . *数量经济学&计量经济学服务中心. *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------. end of do-file
. use estatus.dta,clear(Fictional employment status data)
. desc
Contains data from estatus.dta,clear Observations: 4,761 Fictional employment status data Variables: 8 14 May 2021 22:12-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Variable Storage Display Value name type format label Variable label-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------id int %9.0g Respondent IDyear int %9.0g Year of surveyestatus byte %18.0g alt Employment statushhchild byte %9.0g noyes Children <18 years old in householdhhincome int %10.0g Annual household income (in $1,000s)hhsigno byte %10.0g noyes Significant other living in householdbwinner byte %10.0g noyes Primary/sole breadwinner in householdage byte %10.0g Age (in years)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sorted by: id year
. list id year estatus hhchild age in 22/41, sepby(id) noobs
+------------------------------------------------+ | id year estatus hhchild age | |------------------------------------------------| | 5 2002 Employed Yes 38 | | 5 2004 Employed No 40 | | 5 2006 Employed No 42 | | 5 2008 Employed No 44 | | 5 2010 Out of labor force No 46 | | 5 2012 Out of labor force No 48 | | 5 2014 Unemployed No 50 | |------------------------------------------------| | 6 2002 Unemployed Yes 31 | | 6 2004 Employed Yes 33 | | 6 2006 Out of labor force Yes 35 | | 6 2008 Unemployed Yes 37 | | 6 2010 Out of labor force Yes 39 | | 6 2012 Unemployed No 41 | |------------------------------------------------| | 7 2002 Out of labor force Yes 33 | | 7 2004 Employed Yes 35 | | 7 2006 Employed Yes 37 | | 7 2008 Out of labor force Yes 39 | | 7 2010 Employed No 41 | | 7 2012 Employed No 43 | | 7 2014 Employed No 45 | +------------------------------------------------+
. . xtset id
Panel variable: id (unbalanced)
. . tabulate estatus
Employment status | Freq. Percent Cum.-------------------+-----------------------------------Out of labor force | 1,682 35.33 35.33 Unemployed | 703 14.77 50.09 Employed | 2,376 49.91 100.00-------------------+----------------------------------- Total | 4,761 100.00
. xtmlogit estatus i.hhchild age hhincome i.hhsigno, rrr
Fitting comparison model ...
Refining starting values:
Grid node 0: log likelihood = -4504.5591Grid node 1: log likelihood = -4538.6352
Fitting full model:
Iteration 0: log likelihood = -4504.5591 Iteration 1: log likelihood = -4495.871 Iteration 2: log likelihood = -4490.5098 Iteration 3: log likelihood = -4490.4197 Iteration 4: log likelihood = -4490.4196
Random-effects multinomial logistic regression Number of obs = 4,761Group variable: id Number of groups = 800
Random effects u_i ~ Gaussian Obs per group: min = 5 avg = 6.0 max = 7
Integration method: mvaghermite Integration pts. = 7
Wald chi2(8) = 199.25Log likelihood = -4490.4196 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ estatus | RRR Std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval]-------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------Out_of_labor_force | hhchild | Yes | 1.579937 .1513905 4.77 0.000 1.309414 1.906349 age | .9947946 .0065832 -0.79 0.430 .981975 1.007781 hhincome | .9954927 .0018251 -2.46 0.014 .9919221 .9990762 | hhsigno | Yes | 1.642859 .1550291 5.26 0.000 1.365452 1.976625 _cons | .4949307 .1392991 -2.50 0.012 .2850836 .859244-------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------Unemployed | hhchild | Yes | .9607243 .1148148 -0.34 0.737 .7601038 1.214296 age | 1.004257 .008211 0.52 0.603 .9882918 1.02048 hhincome | .9696874 .0025722 -11.60 0.000 .964659 .9747421 | hhsigno | Yes | 1.099323 .1310654 0.79 0.427 .8702452 1.388701 _cons | .8078165 .280628 -0.61 0.539 .4088963 1.595924-------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------Employed | (base outcome)-------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- var(u1)| .8573133 .1083915 .6691459 1.098394 var(u2)| .7378532 .1388652 .5102376 1.067008------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: Estimates are transformed only in the first 3 equations to relative-risk ratios.Note: _cons estimates baseline relative risk (conditional on zero random effects).LR test vs. multinomial logit: chi2(2) = 227.68 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
Note: LR test is conservative and provided only for reference.
. margins hhchild
Predictive margins Number of obs = 4,761Model VCE: OIM
1._predict: Pr(estatus==Out_of_labor_force), predict(pr outcome(1))2._predict: Pr(estatus==Unemployed), predict(pr outcome(2))3._predict: Pr(estatus==Employed), predict(pr outcome(3))
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Delta-method | Margin std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval]-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------_predict#hhchild | 1#No | .3025675 .0131546 23.00 0.000 .276785 .32835 1#Yes | .3912476 .0120405 32.49 0.000 .3676486 .4148466 2#No | .1628713 .0101131 16.11 0.000 .1430501 .1826925 2#Yes | .1398537 .0079462 17.60 0.000 .1242794 .1554279 3#No | .5345612 .0136994 39.02 0.000 .5077108 .5614116 3#Yes | .4688987 .0116594 40.22 0.000 .4460468 .4917507----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
. quietly margins hhchild, at(hhincome=(20(20)100))
. xtmlogit estatus i.hhchild age hhincome i.hhsigno, fe rrrnote: 80 groups (451 obs) omitted because of no variation in the outcome variable over time.
Computing initial values ...
Setting up 26,168 permutations:....10%....20%....30%....40%....50%....60%....70%....80%....90%....100%
Fitting full model:
Iteration 0: log likelihood = -2154.4175 Iteration 1: log likelihood = -2154.2058 Iteration 2: log likelihood = -2154.2057
Fixed-effects multinomial logistic regression Number of obs = 4,310Group variable: id Number of groups = 720
Obs per group: min = 5 avg = 6.0 max = 7
LR chi2(8) = 67.42Log likelihood = -2154.2057 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ estatus | RRR Std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval]-------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------Out_of_labor_force | hhchild | Yes | 1.784236 .2237128 4.62 0.000 1.395488 2.28128 age | .9977834 .0146507 -0.15 0.880 .9694778 1.026915 hhincome | .9895225 .0086923 -1.20 0.231 .9726318 1.006707 | hhsigno | Yes | 1.658753 .1654425 5.07 0.000 1.364217 2.016878-------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------Unemployed | hhchild | Yes | 1.181866 .1933766 1.02 0.307 .8576197 1.628702 age | 1.004991 .0194887 0.26 0.797 .967511 1.043924 hhincome | .9717411 .0116616 -2.39 0.017 .9491514 .9948684 | hhsigno | Yes | 1.11936 .1454154 0.87 0.385 .8677426 1.443939-------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------Employed | (base outcome)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------