水稻花序的构造是决定种子产量的一个重要因素。花序的长度和分枝的数量是决定小穗数量的关键因素,及决定种子的形成。特别是无限分枝分生组织向有限小穗分生组织转化的时间调节了花序的复杂性。在这种情况下,ALOG 基因 tawa1(TAW1)已被证明可以延缓向决定水稻小穗发育的转变。近年来,通过对花序分生组织的精密激光显微切割和 RNA-seq 结合分析,我们发现两个 ALOG 基因 OsG1-like 1(OsG1L1)和 OsG1L2的表达谱与 TAW1相似。在这里,我们报道 osg1l1和 osg1l2功能丧失 CRISPR 突变体具有与 taw1突变体相似的表型,这表明这些基因可能在花序发育过程中作用于相关的通路。对 OsG1L2突变体的转录组分析表明,OsG1L2与其他已知的花序结构调节因子存在相互作用,并利用这些数据集构建了一个基因调控网络(GRN) ,提出了控制水稻花序发育的潜在基因之间的相互作用。同源结构域-亮氨酸拉链转录因子基因 OsHOX14的 CRISPR 功能缺失突变体的时空表达谱和表型分析表明,所构建的 GRN 确实为鉴定参与水稻花序发育的新参与者提供了有价值的资源。

图 osg1l1和osg1l2野生型圆锥花序的表型分析
The architecture of the rice inflorescence is an important determinant of seed yield. The length of the inflorescence and the number of branches are among the key factors determining the amount of spikelets, and thus seeds, that will develop. Especially the timing of the identity transition from indeterminate branch meristem to determinate spikelet meristem regulates the complexity of the inflorescence. In this context, the ALOG gene TAWAWA1 (TAW1) has been shown to delay the transition to determinate spikelet development in rice. Recently, by combining precise laser microdissection of inflorescence meristems with RNA-seq we observed that two ALOG genes, Oryza sativa OsG1-like 1 (OsG1L1) and OsG1L2, have an expression profile similar to TAW1. Here we report that osg1l1 and osg1l2 loss-of-function CRISPR mutants have similar phenotypes as the taw1 mutant, suggesting that these genes might act on related pathways during inflorescence development. Transcriptome analysis of the osg1l2 mutant suggested interactions of OsG1L2 with other known inflorescence architecture regulators and the datasets were also used for the construction of a gene regulatory network (GRN) proposing interactions between genes potentially involved in controlling inflorescence development in rice. The spatio-temporal expression profiling and phenotypical analysis of CRISPR loss-of-function mutants of the homeodomain-leucine zipper transcription factor gene OsHOX14 suggest that the proposed GRN indeed serves as a valuable resource for the identification of new players involved in rice inflorescence development.
