【省立疼痛英语晨读】面肌痉挛 ——保守疗法和手术治疗(一)

 英语晨读 ·


本次文献选自Schroeder H: Hemifacial spasm—conservative and   surgical treatment options. Dtsch Arztebl Int 2012;  109(41): 667−73.

Background: Hemifacial spasm is a neuromuscular movement disorder characterized by brief or persistent involuntary contractions of the muscles innervated by the facial  nerve. Its prevalence has been estimated at 11 cases per  100 000 individuals. Among the patients who were operated on by our team, the mean interval from diagnosis to  surgery was 8.2 years, and more than half of them learned  of the possibility of surgical treatment only through a personal search for information on the condition. These facts  motivated us to write this article to raise the awareness of  hemifacial spasm and its neurosurgical treatment among  physicians who will encounter it.
Methods: This review article is based on a selective literature search and on our own clinical experience.
Results: Hemifacial spasm is usually caused by an artery  compressing the facial nerve at the root exit zone of the  brainstem. 85–95% of patients obtain moderate or marked  relief from local injections of botulinum toxin (BTX), which  must be repeated every 3 to 4 months. Alternatively,  microvascular decompression has a success rate of about  85%.
Conclusion: Local botulinum-toxin injection is a safe and  well-tolerated symptomatic treatment for hemifacial  spasm. In the long term, however, lasting relief can only  be achieved by microvascular decompression, a micro - surgical intervention with a relatively low risk and a high  success rate.


