ELIF的那些事 - 含镜下融合
ELIF,即椎间孔外腰椎椎体间融合技术(extraforaminal lumbar interbody fusion),代表人物:同济大学附属东方医院谭军教授、法国的Didier Recoules-Arche教授,韩国的Seok Won Kim教授。
MIS-TLIF需切除下关节突和部分上关节突,而实际下关节突在多数情况下并不构成致压因素,只是为了获取视野和操作空间,成为入路上的“无辜牺牲品”。而ELIF则较MIS-TILF倾斜角度更大,约45°,绕过下关节突,直接暴露并切除导致神经症状的部分上关节突,在安全三角(Kambin triangle)内,对侧方椎管进行减压,完成椎间融合,从而实现更微创的入路。
相较MIS-TLIF,也有学者采用ELIF C型融合器,可同时置入2枚,接触面积更大,融合率更高。
一、通道下的ELIF,即MIS-ELIF,采用的也是C形融合器,代表人物:阿根廷的Federico Landriel教授。
1、PE-TLIF ,即 Percutaneous endoscopic transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion,翻译为:经皮内镜辅助下经椎间孔腰椎减压融合术,采用高度可调钛金属椎间融合器,代表人物:北京朝阳医院杨晋才教授。
图示:经皮内镜辅助下经椎间孔腰椎减压融合术式术中操作:A-C:在上关节突导向器引导下,经皮穿刺第二导钉至上关节突背外侧并打入关节突骨质内,注意不要穿透进入椎管;D-F:冠状位上,铰刀应达对侧椎体宽度的3/4(D);矢状位上,应达腹侧的3/4(E);镜下再次确认骨性终板充分暴露,椎间盘处理良好(F);G -I:可撑开融合器置入时,冠状位达到椎体宽度的3/4(G);矢状位达到椎体前后径的 3/ 4(H);镜下可见可撑开融合器位置良好,神经根已经充分显露并彻底减压(I)。
2、PELIF,即 Percutaneous endoscopic lumbar interbody fusion,采用的是 PELIF O-Cage (Joimax GmbH, Germany),且应用的是TESSYS working tube,代表人物:新桥医院周跃教授、日本的Shu Nakamura教授。
图示:(a) Percutaneous transforaminal puncture into disk afer percutaneous pedicle screw fxation. (b) Sequential dilation. (c) Optional foraminoplasty and expansion of the safety triangle by bone drill under endoscopic views. (d) Neurological decompression and initial endplate preparation in endoscopic view. (e) and (f) Working tube insertion in anteroposterior and lateral X-ray views.
图示:(a) and (b) Performing the dilation with the PELIF dilators until the desired diameter of the working tube. (c) and (d) Further removing intervertebral disc tissues and adequately endplate preparation. (e) and (f) Utilizing the guide wire to ease the cage placement under X-ray control. (g) and (h) Identifcation of the implant position by anteroposterior and lateral views.
3、FELIF,Full endoscopic lumbar interbody fusion,采用PEEK TLIF cage,且应用的是EndoLIF system (Joimax, Germany),代表人物:韩国Jong Ki Shin教授。
图示: a Once the joint is identifed via endoscopic view, osteotomy of superior articular process is performed using endoscopic osteotome. b After partial osteotomy of superior articular process, dura and disc are seen. c Drawing of partial resection area on sawbone. d After the partial resection of superior articular process on sawbone.
图示:a Epiduroscopic visualization of dura and disc closely. b Endoscope is engaged in dorsal side of disc under fuoroscopic view. c Axial demonstrated image.
图示:a, b Custom-made endoscopic reamer is inserted to disc space under endoscopic and fuoroscopic guidance. c Axial demonstrated image.
图示:Axial demonstrated image: the PEEK TLIF cage was mounted on the cage holding rod after the rod was inserted into the working channel.
3、Preint-ELIF, Preint 是 Precision(精准化) 和 Intelligence(智能化)的缩写,其命名的ELIF为:Endoscopy Lumbar Interbody Fusion,国内部分脊柱微创及疼痛科医生在推动,且开展了专门的研讨会。但检索文献,尚无相关技术报道(technical note)及临床效果的文章发表。